Trading Justice

podcast Tim Cooley, the CEO of Random Breakfast, believes in learning from failure. Failure can teach you a lot, provided you're paying attention. ...and depending on the situation, it can even make you more eager to get back into the game once enough time has passed. In trading, failure is a risk every time an order is placed. Whether it's a small drawdown or a blown up account, there is a lesson to learn: entry time, position size, and more. ...and even with blown up accounts, you can dust yourself off, get up, and get back at it once you're ready. Just be sure you learned what caused the account to go down in the first place. There are safer ways to fail in trading: paper or virtual trading. A unique aspect of trading as compared to other businesses is that you can practice a strategy before you implement it with a virtual account. If the paper account blows up, the only thing lost is time. Even then, though, provided you learn from the dead account, it wasn't time wasted, either. Join us in listening to Tim's story and his take on perseverance. ---   Also, here's the link to Simon Sinek's TED Talks: applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo
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