Trading Justice

podcast Emily Muiruri was born and raised in Kenya, where her parents owned an office supply & printing business. She parlayed this background into a career in Real Estate as a side income, both commercial and residential. Her main job was managing self storage units until July 2014, when the franchise that she worked was sold and she found herself without a job. Fortunately, she used this opportunity to get back into real estate and pursue other possibilities. She ended up joining a Rich Dad Real Estate seminar, where stock trading was first introduced to her. She found the concept of doing both trading and Real Estate as her own self-made career a powerful motivator and hasn't looked back. In this episode, Matt and Tim discuss finding your why: why to trade, why to pursue financial independence. Money is the obvious shallow answer, but why do you want the money in the first place? To go after crazy side projects? To provide security for your family? Finding your personal answer to this question is important; it can help keep you going on those days where it feels like every trade is against you.   applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
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