Trading Justice

podcast Finding good trades can be a bit challenging even during bull markets. When the bears start lurking back into the market, though, it can feel even harder to do since it seems like everything is going down. Well, there are always winners, even in down markets, and directional trading doesn't care whether it's a bull or bear market at all. It's all about strategy and having a good set of parameters when seeking out new stocks. Of course, different stocks work well for different strategies. Day-to-day movements don't matter as much to investment traders like Warren Buffett, and long-term performance of a stock doesn't overly matter for a day trader. That's not to say, though, that you should ignore the analysis that isn't typically used for your type of trading (fundamental for investing, technical for day trading). Using both in tandem regardless of strategy will help you find winners regardless of what the market's up to. In this episode, Coach Matt is joined by Coach Noah to discuss how to find trades, what the different sectors are up to, and even to delve into what negative interest rate is all about. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
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