Trading Justice

The past week brought us major business and political news: AT&T and Time Warner announced their intention to merge while the Clinton campaign had a rough go of it from email releases by Wikileaks & O’Keefe’s latest video. Join Matt and Tim for their take on mergers and the campaign.
Halloween—3:10 ATT Time Warner Merger—9:06 Monopolies—14:48 IPO & Private Equity—20:00 Antitrust History—23:25 Neoliberal Economics—24:27 Effects of Monopoly and Mergers—28:09 Recent Merger History—35:45 Market Conditions and Leverage Requirements—40:32 Soros and Put Options—45:04 M&A Summary—49:53 Introducing Producer Cam—53:58 Clown of the Week—56:40 God and Oil—58:32 Donna Brazile—1:08:27 Clinton Wikileaks—1:17:40 Matt Prays—1:20:38 Special Guest Appearance—1:23:46  
October's book is 401(k)aos by Andy Tanner. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on October 27 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
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Direct download: TJ185MergersLeaksFINAL.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:27pm PST