Trading Justice

A trending topic with people that are new to trading is system development. We all agree a solid foundation is necessary for a stable house and system development is the foundation of every trading plan. Intro: Introduction by Tim Justice, welcoming long-time coach and stock trader Tyler Craig. 3:08: Healthcare and forward thinking 10:05: The importance of system development. 18:05: Commodity Corner 28:05: Define a time frame for your training plan 39:37: How schools kill creativity: Ken Robbins/ What your title? 44:08: Backtesting and Expectancy 53:03: Know your options 1:00:01: Singing-off

December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1  at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:46pm PST