Trading Justice

TJ-Header1 For a 15 day free trial to Tackle Trading, enter the code justicepro when creating a new account at Offer valid until June 19. When Steve Huang set out to create his Theta Fade system, his proprietary end-of-week theta trading system, he didn’t just go out and start trading one day. He backtested, paper traded, and practiced over three years. He confirmed that it was profitable and performed consistently before putting it into action. All that testing paid off, too: it grosses 2–4% per week with manageable downside risk risk. He also started small; with smaller trades, you expose yourself to less risk as you properly fine-tune a system. Jumping in with both feet using your entire account on an untested system would just ask for trouble. However, over time, as a system is proven, you can increase your size. Steve has set aside $25K for an account that he only trades Theta Fade with.  It’s now up 24%, or $6100, from the first day of trading in February. See the results in the Theta Fade page in the TackleTrading Trading Room.  Should you wish to learn more about Theta Fade, head over to Tackle Trading and check it out every Friday afternoon.      
Direct download: TJ93SteveHuangTradingSystems.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:01am PST