Trading Justice

In this episode of the Trading Justice Podcast, Matt, Tim and Mark discuss the role of leadership in evaluating a company. 

Managers make a difference.  Great leaders make an impact. 

It’s common to look at quantifiable metrics when determining the strength or weakness of a company, like the PE Ratio, debt ratio’s, earnings, growth and revenue. 

But, how do you quantify leadership? 

Warren Buffet detailed 4 traits of a leader, including trustworthiness, skill, energy and love for the business.  During our feature presentation, we discuss what we look for in leaders, and give examples of great leaders, in our eyes.

Before we discuss our feature presentation, we go through the weekly Market Skyline and analyze the market action of late.  In the last week, we’ve seen the market stall at resistance, and more focus on the Federal Reserve, the Trade War, Economic reports like the GDP numbers, and oil prices.  Where will stocks go from here?  What can be the catalyst for a breakout?  We’ll discuss first thing, during this episode.

Back this week is the Coaches Mailbag, where we field questions from the clubhouse.  Tim also has a few questions he’s found on Quora.  Enjoy this fun segment, and, if you ever have a questions for the coaches, email us at

Lastly, we play a game where coach Mark has found some fascinating statistics and quizzes Matt and Tim on human knowledge.  How many Americans can find the Pacific Ocean on a map?  Do more Americans know who the family members of the TV show the Simpsons are, over how many know what the 3 branches of Government are?  We have some fun with this one, and we expect you will too.

Trading Justice is brought to you by Tackle Trading.  Join our community of traders today, and build the skills you need to trade the financial markets.  Get in the game.  #TeamTackle

1:30 Market Skyline
30:30 Buffett Rules
1:26:20 Coaches Mailbag
1:47:20 True or False

Direct download: Trading_Justice_311_Buffett_Rules.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:44pm PST