Trading Justice

In this episode, Matt and Tim discuss the 5 key elements in a traders 'volatility playbook'. When markets start moving fast, and uncertainty arises, the degree of difficulty in trading also increases. Here are 5 things you can do in times like this to add to your volatility playbook:

1. Cash is a position

2. Reduce your timeframe

3. Reduce position size

4. Learn to scale

5. Match your bias

Before that, the boys discuss recent market conditions during our weekly Skyline. The situation in Ukraine, and the invasion of Russian troops, have captured the attention of the world. We discuss the economic actions by the west, including the removal of the SWIFT Payment system access between many countries and Russia. Listen in for our thoughts on stocks, commodities, and bitcoin.

1:45 Market Skyline

52:30 Volatility Playbook

Direct download: Trading_Justice_465_Volatility_Playbook.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:14pm PST