Trading Justice

Welcome to episode 509 of the Trading Justice podcast and the first podcast of the new year! The first podcast of the year means it is time to discuss the release of the annual Tackle 25. One thing bulls and bears all agree on is that 2023 will be a stock pickers market. Finding companies that have tremendous fundamentals is an important standard in 2023. Finding those type of companies that also have amazing cash flow opportunities…well that is what the Tackle 25 is all about! Matt and Mark discuss the release of the Tackle 25 and some examples of new companies that made the list this year. The boys also discuss the changing narratives in the market as we transition from inflation/Fed to recession/earnings. What does that mean for the market in the coming months and what events could alter the narrative are discussed. So sit back and bring the new year in right with another jam packed edition of the Trading Justice podcast!

Market Skyline 1:00

Tackle 25 Conversation 45:00

Direct download: Trading_Justice_509_Tackle_25.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm PST