Trading Justice

“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria,” well it might not be as bad as the famous Bill Murray Ghostbusters quote but there is a touch of panic in the air in certain areas of the market. It all started last week with the quick collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Matt and Mark break down what has occurred with Silicon Valley Bank and what it means going forward. How bad could the crisis get? Is it similar to the Financial Crisis of 2008? What can we expect out of the Fed in the coming week? Will this trigger a recession? Who are some of the winners and losers potentially out of this crisis? The boys break it all down in a jam-packed episode. So sit back, take a deep breath and realize that dogs and cats living together isn’t such a bad idea in another amazing episode of the Trading Justice podcast!

Direct download: Trading_Justice_518_Update_on_SVB.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:55pm PST