Trading Justice

podcast In this episode of the Trading Justice podcast is brought to you by the Tackle Trading Coaches Show, the coaches discuss: China devalued YUAN by 2%;
  • Its effects on the market,
  • Why China did so,
  • Why China didn't lower interest rates instead,
  • Possibly actually part of the inclusion in the valuation of the SDR by the IMF to get the the YUAN more freely usable,
Oil's current performance;
  • Heading toward support,
  • The YUAN's possible effect on oil,
The importance of a personal gold standard; Noah's new Stock Report; New trading assessment tools; ...and more! applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ103ChineseYuan_More.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am PST