Trading Justice

podcastCentral banks across the world held the bear markets at bay for the past several years with quantitative easing and the printing of trillions of dollars' worth of currency, and within the US, keeping interest rates at 0% for close to a decade. Despite talk that the rate would increase earlier in September, the can was kicked down the road once again, and the market responded in kind. In this episode, Tim, Matt, and guest Dean Beckette discuss the current bear markets across the world and central banks' role in creating the current set of circumstances that led to them. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ115BearMarket.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:03pm PST

podcast Andrew Sather is a co-founder of the Money Tree Investing podcast and the creator of the value trap indicator to aid in trading without emotion. He knows that trading emotionally is dangerous; you'll likely go after risky trades and positions you might not otherwise. Setting your own trading rules and indicators like Andrew's above and following them is crucial when trading. The benefit is two fold: they automate finding trades to a degree, and protect you from trading emotionally. When scanning for new trades, you've already done the heavy thinking by creating your rules. Compare the position you're interested in trading and if it fits, great; place the trade. If not, move on without a second thought. The second benefit can save your account from suffering painful drawdowns. When trading without a ruleset and indicators to guide you, upswings and downswings can get to you. After closing big winning trades, you'll start to feel invincible and start chasing big payoff trades that are a lot riskier than you normally would. On the flip side of the coin, if you've suffered a few drawdowns in a row, you'll start wanting to make up all your losses in one or two big trades to end the day up or at least neutral. Odds are in both of those scenarios, you lose and have a drawdown for not following your trading rules. In this episode, Tim and Phil talk with Andrew about trading around the twin motivators of the market - fear and greed - and capitalizing on opportunities you may otherwise miss out on were those motivators to be dominant in your trading. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ114AndrewSather.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:19pm PST

podcast Doug and Suzanne Belnap first got involved with trading after Doug retired in 2010. Over the following three years, they took several trading courses two mentorships. Ultimately, they committed to creating a cash-flow trading business and together they formed a General Partnership in 2010. They funded two separate trading accounts, and we traded our own accounts. Doug had been a long term investor and self-directed all of their IRA's and 401K retirement accounts, but never really traded; while Suzanne had little to no experience or knowledge about the financial markets before taking the trading classes they did. In 2012, they met with another mentor that offered to teach complex options trading, which Doug and Suzanne met only mild success. During this same time, though, the duo had been practicing with Russell 2000 futures, and found they were really good at it. After some discussion, Doug and Suzanne decided to switch completely to Russell 2000 and haven't looked back. In this episode, Tim talks with Doug and Suzanne about their trading journey and the importance of finding a strategy that works for yourself both strategy-wise and lifestyle-wise. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ113DougBelknap.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:28pm PST

podcast Caleb Light knows his stuff when it comes to finance, and he was able to show his stuff when he countered Mark Cuban's offer on Shark Tank with an options buy-in that wouldn't dilute his other shareholders' position. One of the founding members of Power Practical, Caleb Light is an outdoorsman from Billings, Montana that saw the potential of the Power Pot in the outdoor market and jumped at the chance to help. Today, the Power Pot is sold in 14 different countries, with shelf space in stores like REI, Cabela's, and more. The FOMC, though, doesn't care much about the outdoor space; focusing more on whether the US economy is sturdy enough to merit an interest rate increase. Economists put it at about a 50% chance, while the market is anticipating a 25% chance of a rate hike. As usual, though, there are no hints whatsoever from the Fed, so the markets are responding this week with a wait and see attitude ahead of Thursday's announcement. In this cram-packed episode, guest Caleb Light shares his insights and experiences of helping create and grow Power Practical along with his experiences on Shark Tank, while Matt and Tim discuss the upcoming FOMC meeting on Thursday. Lastly, the brothers Justice share their NFL picks for the '15/'16 season. MATT'S PICKS AFC North: Ravens AFC South: Colts AFC West: Broncos AFC East: Dolphins Wild Cards: Patriots Chiefs NFC North: Packers NFC East: Cowboys NFC South: Falcons NFC West: Hawks Wild Cards: Rams Eagles Superbowl: NFC Packers AFC: Dolphins Packers take it all TIM'S PICKS AFC North: Bengals AFC South: Colts AFC West: Chiefs AFC East: Patriots Wild Cards: Steelers Broncos NFC North: Bears 5-6 games winning at most NFC East: Eagles NFC South: Panthers NFC West: Cardinals Wild Cards: Packers Seahawks Superbowl: NFC: Cardinals AFC: Colts Colts take it all   applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ112CalebLight.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:45pm PST

podcast Greg Holmes first met Tim in the spring earlier this year for mentoring after flying down from in Corunna, Canada. Before getting into trading, Greg was electrician by trade for 20 years who let his money sit in mutual funds and a 401K. A friend got in with a financial firm and introduced Greg to various trading strategies, and it hooked him in a big way. Greg got certified with a few financial licenses, even becoming a certified financial adviser, and worked for a few mutual funds. Even during that time, he kept taking trading classes and seeking out mentors as he found out that trading for yourself is the best way to handle your finances if you know how to do it. His first trade was just before the sub-prime meltdown of '07/'08, when Greg only knew a few basic strategies. As the meltdown unfolded, it initially appeared Greg's limited knowledge and basic strategies weren't enough for him to make headway with his trading account. However, due to Greg being a defensive trader by nature, he structured his portfolio in such a way that he came out ahead in the long run. This defensive-based trading strategy was refined further by Greg over the following five years, and it's now a solid system called Dividend Fireworks. The general idea is structuring the portfolio's foundation defensively, then going after cash flow through dividend-bearing stocks and options trading. Even as defensive-minded as Greg is, training and good mentors helped him get there, and he's eager to give back to other traders just entering the fray.   In this episode of Trading Justice, Tim and Greg Holmes discuss Greg's journey to becoming a trader (including his start during the subprime crises) and mentoring. ...and if you're a Tackle Trading Rookie or Pro member, you'll get a chance to see Greg Holmes' system up close on September 17 at 7 PM EST during the September Cash Flow Club! applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ111GregHolmesMentor.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:46pm PST

podcast   In this episode of the Tackle Trading Coaches Show, the coaches cover:
  • The S&P being currently rangebound and why next week's Fed meeting is so important,
  • The upcoming Fed meeting regarding the interest rate hike and its potential effect on the markets,
  • The dollar's position against other currencies ahead of the rate hike meeting,
  • Why EUR/USD isn't at parity yet despite the EU openly declaring wanting parity,
  • What's going on with oil's snap selloff from last week and potential inventory drawdowns,
  • What's driving the current sideways position of precious metals despite global market weakness,
...and more!   applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ110QuietMarket.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:33pm PST

podcast Emily Muiruri was born and raised in Kenya, where her parents owned an office supply & printing business. She parlayed this background into a career in Real Estate as a side income, both commercial and residential. Her main job was managing self storage units until July 2014, when the franchise that she worked was sold and she found herself without a job. Fortunately, she used this opportunity to get back into real estate and pursue other possibilities. She ended up joining a Rich Dad Real Estate seminar, where stock trading was first introduced to her. She found the concept of doing both trading and Real Estate as her own self-made career a powerful motivator and hasn't looked back. In this episode, Matt and Tim discuss finding your why: why to trade, why to pursue financial independence. Money is the obvious shallow answer, but why do you want the money in the first place? To go after crazy side projects? To provide security for your family? Finding your personal answer to this question is important; it can help keep you going on those days where it feels like every trade is against you.   applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ109EmilyMuiruri.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:10pm PST