Trading Justice

podcast   Both Emily Muiruri and Rosemary Kioko came to the US from Kenya in 1993, and started in real estate. This lasted until the summer of 2014 when Emily lost her job and decided to take the summer off. At the end of her sabattical, she and Rosemary decided to attend a Legacy Education class on stock market investing, and they both fell in love with the concept of trading. Since then, they've formed a Women Investing club (currently at 10 members) to help each other learn and make better trades together, and they've also both continued their trading education with more classes and mentorships. It hasn't always been the smoothest road, but both Rosemary and Emily have stuck with it, and they continue to become better traders for it. In this episode, Tim invites two special traders to join him on the Trading Justice Podcast: Emily Muiruri and Rosemary Kioko. They're the founding members of the Women in Trading club, and they discuss with Tim their passions, their journey, and have fun doing it.   applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ128WomenInTrading.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:41pm PST

The markets haven’t been to kind so far this year; what with a dropping S&P, sinking oil, and general economic slowdown. This isn’t really new, though. Several indicators are pointing toward a recession: lower revenues & earnings have happened for the past several quarters, lower economic reports, crawling to shrinking GDP. By those metrics, five  Continue Reading »
Direct download: TJ127MendenhalOvercomingFear.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:18pm PST

podcast   Trading without systems in place is possible at any skill level. Just seek out trades that have good fundamentals and technicals and place the trade. However, you can lose a lot of time and even negatively affect your portfolio if you're not careful. Even if a security has great fundamentals and technicals, is it right for you? This is where a system can come in handy and save you serious time and heartache. The most basic system is a set of trading rules you make for yourself regarding probability, ROI, your tolerance for risk, and other factors. This makes assessing a potential new trade super easy. Does it fit your rules? If so, great! Place the trade and move on. If not, excellent; you saved yourself the pain of making a bad trade. A step beyond simple trading rules are actual trading systems, such as Theta Fade by Steve Huang. A system takes generalized rules and sharpens them to the point that the rules become super focused. In Theta Fade's case, the rules focus on trading options once a week, on Friday. May not sound like much, but said system was a big part of Steve Huang being placed into the Rich Dad Hall of Fame. In this episode, Tim is joined by Kevin O' Banion to discuss Kevin's journey as a trader and offer an insight to how Steve Huang developed his own trading system. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ126KevinOBanion.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am PST

podcast All four coaches from Tackle Trading are here for this special episode of the Trading Justice podcast as they go over the latest news in the markets and share the details of the new & improved Tackle 25! Among what's covered: The S&P's reaction to China on Monday and Tuesday, Volatility coming into the new year, The underlying issue with China's Monday drop, What China's goal is with printing more currency, How China's market being relatively new is impacting trading, The current strength of the US dollar, A strengthening JPY and what it could mean, What the EUR/USD pair is currently up to, Oil's behavior in the current environment, The purpose of the Tackle 25 and how to make it work for you, How covered calls off the Tackle 25 can help create cash flow, What ROID is and how it works, Possible portfolio balancing when making covered calls, ...and more! applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ125TheTackle25.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:09am PST

podcast   2016 has already gotten off to a dramatic start with the Shanghai market dropping 7% and the rest of the world following suit in a mass selloff. The world economy isn't in the best shape. Markets are showing signs of impending recession around the world, from emerging markets such as Brazil and China to developed markets including Europe and the US. The bull market, should it continue, would be entering its seventh year... quite venerable as far as bull runs go. With this backdrop, Matt, Tim, and Gino discuss what they expect in 2016. On the front of interest rate hikes, the Fed is stating they're aiming for 1.5% after four more raises through the year. The market expects maybe 1% from two total raises this year. The US dollar, directly impacted by interest rate hikes, is generally expected to pass 100 this year. By how much is uncertain, but the USD has a history of making major runs should resistance points be broken, and 100 is a major resistance point. The strengthening dollar is also expected to play a part in the euro and dollar coming to parity some time this year when coupled with the EU's continuing QE policy. Dovetailing the USD, oil (and other commodities such as gold) will likely continue to be hammered when viewed in conjunction with record oversupply, declining demand, Iran coming online later this year, and OPEC still keeping the pumps flowing until at least June. Time will tell how far oil may fall until it starts rallying again. The Brothers Justice are joined by fund manager Gino Poore as they share their predictions for 2016 on all market fronts, from forex & interest rate to commodities and any major news they each expect. AND! Tackle Trading has a special offer: enter the code THETA upon checkout at Tackle Trading for a free 15-day trial of Pro membership at Tackle Trading! applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ124PredictionsFor2016.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:07pm PST