Trading Justice

podcast Join Matt and Tim as they dive into the Brexit and its shakings on the market, then stick around for an interview between Tim and international trader Steven Cindric on what it's like to trade from different countries around the world. The UK voted to leave the EU last week, and the markets reacted sharply. The Pound shed 10%, every market across the globe had a down day save for precious metals, and VIX spiked considerably. All that aside, the will of the majority has spoken, and it's only a matter of time until Article 50 is invoked to begin decoupling processes between the EU and the UK. Part of the remaining market anxiety is likely due to the UK not triggering Article 50 and adding finality to the proceeding. Once that occurs, volatility should drop as the new treaties and trade deals fall into place. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ164TheBrexit.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:54pm PST

podcast Join guest host Gino Poore as he delves into the vicariousness of the VIX.. The VIX, or Implied Volatility chart, is a measure of overall market sentiment in regard to uncertainty. When the VIX is low, market moves tend not to be too unexpected (on the whole), and traders are generally fine with not having insurance (or options). When VIX is high, the market is seen more unpredictable and volatile, driving options prices up correspondingly. Several things can affect VIX, too: news events, earnings, sector performance, and more. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ163TheVIX.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:04pm PST

podcast Join Matt and Tim for a look into how important determination is to success as they interview Owen Malcolm. Talent at a given action or activity can make a difference, but it's far from the be-all-end-all that folks make it out to be. Raw talent unrefined doesn't improve. Talent without direction can be squandered. Talent with hard work is what can really get results, and even then, the talent is optional. Even the best of the best look for outside assistance to step up their game. That determination to continually improve and willingness to seek outside help when you've reached your limit make all the difference. Matt, Tim, and Owen delve into the need for determination in all you do in episode 162 of Trading Justice. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ162OwenMalcolmDetermination.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:06pm PST

podcast Join Producer Phil and Book Club host Garrett Holden for a discussion about Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom by trading psychologist Van Tharp. Van Tharp is a renowned psychologist that holds private trading strategy building sessions for upwards of $20k per session. Fortunately for the average person, he also wrote Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom. There are many parallels between the book and what Matt and Tim espouse for trading, too: know what kind of trader you are, set goals, follow your trading plan, and more. One main expansion Trade Your Way does offer is a look at expectancy, or roughly your odds of success in a given enterprise (trading in this instance). If after doing all calculations for odds of success and failure, Tharp posits that if the calculation yields a net positive, your strategy should be done as much as possible as often as possible. That's not to say it should be traded blindly; that would affect the expectancy, anyway. It's more that in following your personal trading rules, you should perform the trades as frequently as your rules and account will allow. Garrett delves into this concept and others in episode 161 of Trading Justice. Also, July's book is The Death of Money by James Rickard, and the LIVE Book Club podcast will be held on July 13 at 7 PM ET. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ161BookClubTradeWay.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:22pm PST

podcast Join Tim and Matt as they break down the Brexit: what it is, and what it may mean for the UK and the EU. The United Kingdom's future membership in the EU is currently in question, with a referendum vote being held on whether to leave the EU later this month. Those in favor of leaving the EU cite gaining full control of country  policy once again, while those in favor of staying fear the potential economic repercussions of losing free trade status with the EU. Either way, the potential of a Brexit has hit the Pound Sterling as investors short the currency ahead of the vote. Its potential effects even reached across the pond to being one of the reasons the FOMC is hesitant to raise rates in June due to international market instability, with a rate increase in the US possibly further adding to global market volatility. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ160BrexitAndFOMC.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:42pm PST

podcast Join Tim Justice for a conversation with trader and Rich Dad Hall of Fame Nominee Brad May as they discuss trading education and developing your own system. Trading may seem intimidating to new traders and those unfamiliar with the space, but it's just like any other pursuit. With practice and education, anyone can learn how to trade competently. It may be the sheer amount of terminology, all the complex charts, and the fact that it's your money that's on the line that initially spooks people, but all it takes is dedication and education to get trading. One last hurdle for some on the education front is that it costs money to get educated, whether from a class system such as Legacy or one-on-one with a mentor. Question for you, though: college costs money, too, doesn't it? There's less hesitation on people's part there, even though the skills & knowledge may not be applicable to what you end up doing unless you're going into a specialized field. Well, Brad May managed to clear that mental hurdle, starting with reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. From there, he found his way into classes and mentorships where he learned about options trading and went on to develop his own system focusing on the volatility crush. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ159TradingWithBradMay.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:26am PST

podcast Join Tackle Trading's Gino Poore, Tim Justice, and Tyler Craig as they discuss positioning trades to both enter and exit the market efficiently. In this Coaches Show audio replay, the Tackle Trading coaches cover more than just market conditions and economic news for the week. While market conditions were indeed covered, the focus was trade positioning and getting the most return and protection out of entering and exiting a trade. Entering a trade is more than just clicking a few buttons on a screen or calling your broker. It also involves timing the trade, assessing trade volume if you're considering options, and figuring out your best entry and exit points. If you already do this without thinking too much about it, you're already trade positioning as part of your routine. Each of these aspects, when planned out, can help maximize a return and minimize a loss. Further, entry and exit points don't have to be fixed. If a stock is looking like it may swing into an extended position in your favor (either high or low), you may wish to let it ride and can absolutely do so. Do note, though, that if the exit isn't revised in the trade itself, you may end up giving back all the gains you were letting ride in the first place, and then some.   applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ158PositioningTrades.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:20pm PST

podcast Join Matt and Tim as they interview Sean Gray, a Legacy Education chap from the real estate side. Investment comes in a variety of forms. You can trade stocks, buy bonds, build companies, or even work with real estate. Sean Gray started with real estate himself after reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and playing the Cash Flow board game. After knowing both of them forwards and backward, Sean decided to attend a Legacy Education event focusing on real estate to see if he could further sharpen his skills. Over the weekend, the Cash Flow board game was pulled out at the event, and Sean was the only person consistently getting out of the Rat Race (the objective of the game), and he started helping the other players understand how they could do so, too. That eagerness to help others and skill eventually landed him a spot with Legacy Education travelling the country helping other people learn about how they too can earn their own financial freedom. One interesting thing Sean learned while learning real estate, working with Legacy, and researching stocks for possible diversification is that investing has a lot of similarities regardless of the format chosen by the investor. They all require dedication to learn the underlying mechanics, they all have the same goal of ultimately generating passive income, and they're all doable if you're willing to put in the work. Sean, Matt, and Tim further explore these similarities in this episode of Trading Justice.   applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ157SeanGrayRealEstate.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:08pm PST

This month's book is Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom by Van Tharp. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on June 15 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book and will send out a link to all prior to the book review.  Give it a read, and come ready to discuss the book! Once a month members of Tackle Trading can participate in the Tackle Trading Book Club (Think Oprah but much cooler, life changing, and actually can help us improve our lives and make some money).  The Tackle Trading Book Club will be monitored by Garrett Holden.  Each month we will select 1-2 books to read and review at the end of the month through an online webinar.  There will be books of many different topics including mindset, trading, options, technical analysis, economic.  Our desire at Tackle is to make the most intelligent and informed traders of all time and we are all prepared to put the time and effort in to accomplish this goal.
Here is a list of the initial books recommended by Tackle Trading: Introductory Books • 401kaos: Andy Tanner • How to Make Money in Stocks: William O’Neil • New Market Wizards: Jack Schwager • Money Mastery: Tony Robbins • The Intelligent Investor: Benjamin Graham • The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: John Bogle Mindset Books • Think and Grow Rich: Napoleon Hill • Richest Man in Babylon: George S Clason • Richdad PoorDad: Robert Kiyosaki • Trading in the Zone: Mark Douglas • Trade your way to Financial Freedom: Van Tharp • Start with Why: Simon Sinek Technical Books • Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques: Steve Nison • Elliott Wave Principle: Frost Prechter • Technical Analysis A – Z: Stephen Achelis Currency • Death of Money: James Rickards • Currency Wars: James Rickards • Creature from Jekyll Island: Edward Griffin Economic • Wealth of Nations: Adam Smith • Atlas Shrugged: Ayn Rand • Capital: Karl Marx • The General Theory of Employment, Interest, & Money: John Maynard Keynes • Individualism and Economic Order: Friedrich Hayek • Intermarket Analysis: John Murphy Options • Options Made Easy: Guy Cohen  
Direct download: JuneBookClubPreview.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:50am PST

podcast Join Matt and Tim as they go into portfolio design. When trading, it's best to do so with a plan in place. Said plan will help in a variety of ways: it will help limit emotional trading after big wins or a string of losses, provides structure to streamline your trading process, and can help hedge against risk. Two key components to a trading plan are trading rules, and by extension, portfolio design. The rules define what kind of trades fit your personal risk profile, how much of your portfolio to assign to a given trade, and the like. Portfolio design takes those rules and puts them into a structured investing instrument. How much will you speculate? How about growth allocation? Will you keep cash on hand for particular opportunities? What's your growth target each month? The rules inform the answers to these questions, and when implemented, will help you design your portfolio.   applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ156PortfolioDesign.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:10pm PST