Trading Justice

podcast Join Matt and Tim for a look into how important determination is to success as they interview Owen Malcolm. Talent at a given action or activity can make a difference, but it's far from the be-all-end-all that folks make it out to be. Raw talent unrefined doesn't improve. Talent without direction can be squandered. Talent with hard work is what can really get results, and even then, the talent is optional. Even the best of the best look for outside assistance to step up their game. That determination to continually improve and willingness to seek outside help when you've reached your limit make all the difference. Matt, Tim, and Owen delve into the need for determination in all you do in episode 162 of Trading Justice. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo  
Direct download: TJ162OwenMalcolmDetermination.mp3
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