Trading Justice

podcast     Market Wizards interviews a wide variety of traders: contrarians, trend followers, market makers, scalpers, and more. Each one has their own strategies, biases, and market insights that are unique to them while still lending to each trader's success. Even with the wildly different personas, trading styles, and market views, there are consistent concepts that come up again and again as Jack Schwager interviewed these disparate and successful traders. Words and phrases: discipline; stick to your plan, avoid emotional trading. There's a few more, too. If you're a fan of the show, even that short list should look familiar... Join guest hosts Josh Cole and Noah Davidson as they break down Market Wizards in episode 181 of Trading Justice.
October's book is 401(k)aos by Andy Tanner. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on October 27 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo
Direct download: TJ181MarketWizards.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:57pm PST

podcast The US economy, and the world's in general, is on shaky ground. Interest rates are at record lows (and negative in some instances), making it of marginal value to save or buy bonds. The markets are overextended to the upside, causing volatility spikes when there's movement to the downside. In such conditions, what's called a flight to safety often occurs; where investors move their capital to traditionally safe instruments such as bonds and precious metals. However, with interest rates what they are, the flight to safety is being concentrated more into gold and silver. That's where Steve Rand comes in for new and veteran investors. With over 13 years of experience assisting investors with the precious metals markets tailored to each investor, he's developed a keen understanding of the underpinnings of both gold & silver and the markets as a whole. Want to hear what Steve has to say about the current state of things? Then give a listen to episode 180 of Trading Justice. Want to get in touch with Steve Rand? Here's how you can: Ph: 602.365.0165 email: web:
September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo
Direct download: TJ180EconomyWSteveRand.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00pm PST

podcast Millennials and later live in an exciting time. Many of them have never known life without the internet (or even Amazon in some cases). The availability of information is unrivaled in history. ...and in terms of trading, it's never been so robust or easy to keep up with your trades. From Robin Hood to full brokers such as Thinkorswim, you can trade on the go or fully immerse yourself in an eight-screen workstation. Unfortunately, while one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away. The future of a Millennial is far less uncertain. Gone are the days of their grandparents and parents where going to college could easily lead to a solid paying job. Also absent are pension plans from working at the same company for decades. Further, college is expensive (and increasing in price every year) and is increasingly becoming a form of credentialism. The path of a Millenial into adulthood and beyond will be far different than previous generations. Take Jake Larmour, for instance. He's a Millennial forging his own path. Having started working for his father at the age of 11, by the time he graduated, he already had close to a decade of experiences on his resume. Early in college, he came across Rich Dad, Poor Dad and through further digging, ended up signing up for Legacy Education classes. Today, he's still in school and further refining his day trading skills while also learning about real estate. On TOP of it. Want to hear more of Jake's story? Then sit back and listen to episode 179 of the Trading Justice podcast. You can find Jake Larmour in the Facebook Group: Liberated Traders. Here's a link for ya.  
September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher
Direct download: TJ179MillenialTradersJakeLarmour.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30pm PST

September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo
Direct download: TJ178MentoringProcessFINAL.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:20pm PST

podcast   When Steve Andrus graduated from college to play basketball internationally, he didn't expect he'd really need to worry about money management. Even at $40 commission per trade, he could either buy and hold particular securities or put moneys into mutual funds. Unfortunately, an unscrupulous money manager was Steve's contact for investing, leaving Steve with little remaining in his investment accounts. There's often a silver lining, though. In this instance, the events lead to Steve resolving to get educated on investing in both stock and real estate. He dove in headfirst into all the books and workshops he could get his hands on, and with diligent practice, study, and the mentorship of a long-time floor trader, Steve found himself an instructor for TDAmeritrade teaching others how to invest himself. In Steve's long history of trading, he's seen the markets change considerably, from having to phone in those aforementioned $40 commission trades to managing everything from the comfort of your computer. Sit back and give a listen to Steve's story and the recent history of the markets.
September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here. applogoapple logo_0034_stitcher tunein-logo
Direct download: TJ177SteveAndrusFINAL.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:29pm PST