Tue, 24 October 2017
Complexity in the market is nothing new. For episode 239 of the Trading Justice podcast your host Tim Justice and co-host Tyler Craig and Greg Holmes are here to discuss how you can navigate the complexities of the market. Your coaches also chat about some tips and tricks that have helped them become incredible traders. And last but certainly not least, a few mailbag questions that will knock your socks off. This is one action-packed podcast, so sit back relax and enjoy! Intro: Tim Justice |
Wed, 18 October 2017
With markets at all-time highs your coaches share their market posture in episode 238 of the Trading Justice podcast. In addition, the coaches debate whether China or the United states has the stronger economy in our Locked-In segment. Come and enjoy the fun in this edition of the Trading Justice podcast. Intro: Producer Cam
Mon, 9 October 2017
Money management is a critical concept yet is often overlooked by many traders. Episode 237 of the Trading Justice podcast covers this foundational topic and provides a roadmap to identifying the signs of poor money management. Special guest Greg Holmes also joins us from the great country of Canada for our Market Skyline segment. The coaches also dive into the political waters with a discussion on who is better suited to handle the numerous natural disasters we have encountered in recent months. All of this and much more on episode 237 of the Trading Justice podcast. Intro: Producer Cam |
Sun, 8 October 2017
The name of the game for traders is price action and episode 236 of the Trading Justice podcast “Price Action Baby” dives into how price action is one of the keys of your trading success. In this episode coaches Tim Justice and Noah Davidson go over the ins and outs of technical analysis and discuss how price action is one of the most important indicators for finding and executing winning trades. Coach D is one of Tackle Trading’s most seasoned technical analyzers and has paid us a visit to share his invaluable nuggets of knowledge on this subject. Intro: Tim Justice |