Trading Justice

When starting an adventure there are often essential things you need along the way. For some, it is a compass, for other survival gear and for others it is a simple roadmap. On episode 253 of the Trading Justice podcast we invite one of the shining stars of our community, Franco Coria, to share the tools he used, and the ones he wished he had, during his first year as a trader. This interview is full of valuable insight for new and experienced traders alike. In addition, in this episode of the Trading Justice podcast Matt and Tim discuss the impact of statements President Trump made at Davos. Do we want a weak dollar or a strong dollar? Your hosts will give their opinions on the topic. Pop a bag of popcorn, kick your feet up and enjoy episode 253 of the Trading Justice podcast.


Intro: Tim Justice
1:57: Market Skyline
27:46: Feature Presentation
1:43:54: Hold My Beer

Direct download: 253.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:11pm PST

Fresh out of a government shutdown the Trading Justice podcast is here and ready to analyze the markets. In our market skyline your coaches discuss their views on the government shutdown and how it briefly (if at all) impacted the markets. In addition, Matt and Tim discuss an often used and popular technical concept: candlestick patterns. We are in the midst of a robust bull market and the Justice boys discuss a few candlestick patterns that you need to know in this market. All of this and much more on episode 252 of the Trading Justice podcast.


Intro: Tim Justice

2:13: Market Skyline 

39:57: Feature Presentation

1:07:35: Coaches Mailbag

Direct download: 252.5.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:58pm PST

Episode 251 of the Trading Justice podcasts is back this week on Martin Luther King Day. We applaud the life of Martin Luther King and take great reverence on this day to remember his legacy. We have a dream as well, one we believe is noble and worth our time. Our dream is to elevate the financial knowledge of everyone we touch. To help keep that dream alive we invited coach Hector from Tackle Trading to join the podcast this week. Hector is author of the morning market report and one of the most delightful and energetic people you will ever meet. This week we discuss the rule of 72 which is a calculation you can use to estimate the number of years required to double your money at a given annual rate of return. In addition, we go deep into our Market Skyline segment and introduce a new segment, TJ Trivia.


Intro: Tim Justice
2:30: Market Skyline
37:21: Feature Presentation
1:22:29: TJ Trivia

Direct download: 251_Rule_of_72.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 4:08pm PST

This week on the Trading Justice podcast we reach episode 250 and invite long-time friend of the podcast Keith King to share his thoughts on the market. A former market maker and long-time investor, Keith shares his thoughts on the newly released Tackle 25, covered calls current market conditions, and the NFL playoffs. This and much more on episode 250 of the Trading Justice podcast.


Intro: Tim Justice
3:09: Market Skyline
53:36:Featured Presentastion 
1:26:55: Hold My Beer 

Direct download: 250.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:41pm PST

On episode 249 of the Trading Justice podcast your coaches break out their crystal ball and make their predictions for 2018. Where is the market headed this year? Will the dollar dwindle downward in the year to come? Will 2018 continue the crypto craze? These predictions and thoughts on gold, oil and much, much more. These predictions along with a thorough market skyline from your four favorite Tackle Trading Coaches. Sit back and let’s start off the 2018 year right with this episode of the Trading Justice podcast.


Intro: Tim Justice
00:48: Market Skyline
24:49: Featured Presentation (SPX)
41:09: Dollar Prediction
52:55: Gold Prediction
1:01:31: Oil Prediction
1:10:21: Bitcoin Prediction

Direct download: 249.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 4:42pm PST