Trading Justice

Episode 266 of the Trading Justice Podcast is one for the ages. This week Coach Matt Justice is back from his international travels and joins with Trading Justice counterpart Tim Justice to bring you truly a stellar show! Among the many features this week, the podcast is joined by commodities broker and longtime friend of the podcast Pete Thomas. Listen to the Justice Brothers and Pete analyze an array of commodities as they attempt to discern what the future holds. For years gold has been a flight to safety. Is that still the case or do crypto currencies change the equation? Pete and the Justice brothers discuss this among many topics. Episode 266 will enlighten even the brightest among us. Sit back and enjoy yet another addition of the Trading Justice Podcast.


Intro: Tim & Matt

5:06: Market Skyline

29:49: Featured Presentation 

1:22:16: Coaches Mailbag

Direct download: 266.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:43pm PST

On episode 265 of the Trading Justice podcast we welcome Damion Lupo. Damion has a truly interesting story and it was exciting to have him part of this week’s podcast. After creating massive amounts of wealth, the crash of 2008 nearly wiped Damion out. Damion rose from the Great Recession like the mythical phoenix rose from the ashes and his story is a great example of perseverance and there are many lessons for each of us to learn from his journey. In addition, our coaches Mailbag is full of incredible questions that our coaches are itching to answer on air. All of this and much more on episode 265 of the trading just this podcast. All of this and much more on episode 265 of the Trading Justice podcast.

Intro: Producer Cam

0:54: Market Skyline

23:39: Featured Prestation 

54:13: Coaches Mailbag

1:05:35: Analyze This 

Direct download: 265.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:49pm PST

Do you want to write covered calls but can’t afford the underlying stock? This is a predicament many traders find themselves in, especially on the more expensive stocks. Today on the Trading Justice podcast, Coach Tim justice and Greg Holmes discuss a strategy that can help these traders out: the poor man’s covered call. In addition, Coach Matt Justice is abroad spreading the word of investing to the world and joins us from Hong Kong for a brief update and to share some of his experiences on the road. All of this and much more on episode 264 of the Trading Justice podcast!

Intro: Tim Justice

1:54: Live From Hong Kong

20:37: Market Skyline 

43:10: Featured Presentation

1:08:16: Coaches Mailbag 


Direct download: 264.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:19pm PST

There is no lack of volatility in the market these days and in episode 263 of the Trading Justice Podcast Coach Tim Justice and Noah Davidson draw upon their insight and experience to help you make sense of this topsy-turvy market. If the market is driving you crazy then the market Skyline and help you find your equilibrium. In this special episode of the podcast, we also had the great pleasure of interviewing David Fabricious. David is an entrepreneur motivational speaker and the true essence of a winner. We sit down with this remarkable individual in our featured presentation. All of this and much more on episode 263 of the Trading Justice Podcast.

Intro: Tim Justice

2:10: Market Skyline

15:05: Feature Presentation

49:03: Coaches Mailbag

Direct download: Ep_263.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:22pm PST