Trading Justice

In this episode of the podcast, Matt and Tim play a game called ‘square off’ where they debate 8 different topics and Mark decides on who won the argument.  Is the FED put in full force?  Will they cut rates at or near an all time high?  Is the trade war easing down?  Does oil have downside protection?  Where will the dollar and gold move next?  Have some fun listening into the coaches discuss these topics.

Before that, we analyze the markets in our Skyline piece.  The equity markets have been volatile and driven by the recent news regarding the trade war.  The jobs report came out last Friday with mixed information, and the market rallied.  Why?  Listen in and get our full analysis of what is happening across stocks, commodities, currency and economics.

Lastly, we take questions from our students during the coaches’ mailbag segment.  What is the best way to put a stop loss on an option trade?  How do you learn a complex platform like Interactive Brokers?  Will you invest in the ETF UFO which tracks companies tied to space exploration and expansion?  What should you do when you’re losing on a Covered Call?  Get all of our answers during this fun segment.

1:26 Market Skyline

42:45 Square Off

1:34:30 Coaches Mailbag


Direct download: Trading_Justice_325.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:26pm PST