Trading Justice

In this episode, we welcome Pete Thomas back to the podcast to discuss markets, metals and recent volatility.  Pete is a Sr. Vice President at Zaner Precious Metals, has been trading and investing in markets for decades and is one of the leading experts in the marketplace on metals.  Listen in as Coach Matt interviews Pete and discusses topics ranging from gold, palladium, the Coronavirus outbreak and Fed policy.

Before that, Tim, Matt and Mark discuss recent market volatility during our Skyline.  Stocks started the week down big as the fear of the Covid-19 outbreak is expanding beyond China's borders.  Cases in Korea, Italy and Iran have increased, and the markets are spooked by it, at least in the short term.  Will the volatility continue?  The short answer, is we don't know.  But, we'll analyze all of the information for you and give you some insight into the news and the action.

Lastly, we play a game of Name that Quote from famous movies.  Coach Mark has some of the best movie lines of all time, and Matt and Tim are asked to name the Movie, and the year it came out.  

1:34 Market Skyline
36:07 Pete Thomas
1:13:20 Quote This

Direct download: Trading_Justice_362_Pete_Thomas.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:37pm PST

In this episode, the boys are joined by a friend of the podcast, Jake Pelley.  Jake is a veteran trader, father, and author.  In his nearly 10 years trading the markets, he has amassed thousands of trades using varying strategies like naked puts, credit spreads, and directional plays.  He has a unique perspective, and we get a chance to talk to him about what he's seeing, how he's approaching trading in 2020 and more during the conversation.  We know you'll enjoy this one.

Before that, the team discusses recent trends in stocks, commodities, currencies and more during our Market Skyline.  China has pushed stimulus programs into their system to help offset the risk of the Coronavirus impacting the global economy.  In the short term, it has worked, and stocks are moving higher.  In this risk-on environment, many US companies have continued to show strength. Listen in as we discuss the headlines and more.

Lastly, Coach Mark has a trivia game about US Presidents for the team.  Coach Tim finally won a game last week, can he extend it with a follow-up victory?  If you love history, and specifically, Presidential history, you'll have some fun listening to this segment.

1:35 Market Skyline

32:10 Jake Pelley

1:13:10 Presidential Game



Direct download: Trading_Justice_361_Jake_Pelley.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm PST

In this episode, Matt, Tim and Mark are joined by Coach Emily from Women in Trading to discuss Portfolio Design.  Investment portfolios include stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities and real estate owned by an individual.  Within brokerage accounts and retirement accounts, traders and investors can design their accounts strategically to meat their risk tolerance and target their goals.  How you allocate capital, which strategies you use, how you manage risk and position sizing are all rules that must be defined, and when put together it's called Portfolio Design.  Listen to the team discuss these very important topics, including position sizing, the Risk of Ruin, Diversification and Prospect Theory during our feature presentation.

Before that, they analyze recent trends in stocks, commodities, futures and global markets during the Skyline.  The oronavirus keeps spreading, but stocks keep rallying.  Oil has been selling precipitously and so has copper.  Is the global economic risk from the coronavirus being priced in?  It seems so in Oil, but not in stocks.  Listen in to the team discuss what is happening across the markets.

Lastly, Coach Mark has a fun game of Jeopardy for Matt, Tim and Emily.  The categories include In the News, Commodities, Upgrades and Downgrades, Stocks, Sports and 'There's no way you know this'.  This is a fun segment, and we hope you enjoy it.

1:15 Market Skyline

37:00 Portfolio Design

1:24:25 Jeopardy

Direct download: Trading_Justice_360_Portfolio_Design.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:16pm PST

In this episode, Matt, Tim and Mark discuss economics and the current state of the economy.  Is the traditional business cycle dead?  Recently at the World Economic Forum, we heard commentary about the end of the old days and how Modern Monetary Theory and Policy will forge a new way into the future.  Have traditional booms and busts been replaced with a never-ending condition of low interest rates, inflation and higher asset prices?  We will discuss this idea, it's flaws, and some of the economic history that brought us to this current place in today's economy.

First, we analyze the markets and the reaction to the outbreak of the Coronavirus.  Stocks have been volatile the past week, while oil has sold off precipitously and gold has held its trend.  In the midst of it, the Fed had another policy meeting and confirmed its current interest rate and policy is here to stay in the short term.  Listen in for our breakdown of the news, price action and more.

Lastly, we play a game where Coach Mark asks us which vacation spots are the worst to travel to, according to a recent post.  We have some fun with this one, so make sure you listen through to the end.

Market Skyline 2:06

Feature: 46:50

Game: 1:48:50


Direct download: Trading_Justice_359_Is_the_Business_Cycle_Dead.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:10pm PST