Trading Justice

Welcome to episode 506 of the Trading Justice podcast where Mark and Matt are joined by Coach Greg Holmes to talk about choosing fundamentally quality stocks for 2023. In bear markets there is a flight to quality to often occurs as investors attempt to firm up their portfolio. Coach Greg joins the podcast to discuss his approach to identifying great fundamental candidates in difficult market conditions. Coach Greg walks through his process, discusses several things to look for and even shares a couple of stocks he feels have outstanding fundamentals. Before that Mark, Matt and Greg discuss the current market conditions in the Market Skyline. CPI, Jay Powell, interest rates, recessionary chatter, oil, bitcoin and much more are analyzed in a very busy market week. So sit back and break out the eggnog and enjoy another edition of the Trading Justice Podcast!

Market Skyline 1:00

Greg Holmes on Fundamentals 50:00

Direct download: Trading_Justice_506_Greg_Holmes.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm PST