Trading Justice

Welcome to episode 527 of the Trading Justice podcast where the boys break down the market themes in the market! As earnings comes to an end, Matt gives the overall earnings a grade in the C/D range but both Mark and Matt both agree that even this poor grade is a win for the bulls. C’s get degrees!!! AI, a Fed pause, Mega-cap results, a recession that seemingly never comes…the bulls have some ingredients to work with but do the boys feels this is a bullish environment or more of one of stability and cash flow. Listen to find out. Not every theme working for the market right now is positive as issues in the banking system and the return of stagflation certainly create a sloppy backdrop to say the least. Of course, gold is discussed as well as we head into an inflation report card week with CPI, PPI and inflation expectations on tap. One thing for certain, is that you will always get an A from us on your report card so sit back and enjoy another episode of the Trading Justice Podcast!!!

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:05pm MDT