Thu, 29 December 2016
 Intro by Tim Justice 3:04 Interview with Steve Andrus 15:21 Millennials Jake Larmour 29:51 Systematic Risk (Matt &Tim) 55:50 Bear Markets (Matt & Tim) 1:18:00 Forward thinking with Tyler Craig As a special holiday treat, the Trading Justice Podcast has a part two of our best of 2016. Some very powerful interviews and clips from incredibly intellectual people. Happy holidays from Trading Justice to the listeners we love dearly. See you in 2k17!
Direct download: Tj_197_Best_of_2016_part_2.m4a
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:00am PST
Mon, 26 December 2016
 Intro by Tim Justice 2:55 Walter Mendenhall Overcoming Fear 22:18 Women and Trading (Rosemary& Lisa) 41:42 Christian Sisson Organization 57:56 Gino Poore Types of Traders The trading Justice Podcast has put together a compilation of some of the best we have to offer in 2016. This is basically the Neapolitan ice cream of Trading Justice Podcast. We are sure you will enjoy.
Direct download: TJ_196_Best_of_2016_part_1_.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:03pm PST
Tue, 20 December 2016
  2:45 Intro with the Justice Bros 8:21 Market moving up Like the Jeffersons 15:01 The Rise of Alternative Currency (Bitcoin) 21:12 Cashless Society 28:42 The Struggle in China 35:38 Clown of the Week/ Clown-shoes 54:13 Count your Blessings A year ago we made our predictions on the future of the markets. How did the coaches predictions pan out? We discuss the moves of the market, gold and oil over the last 365 days. Also the rise of alternative currency. Matt and Tim Justice at their best on Trading Justice episode 195. January's book is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast in January to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ_Ep_195.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 6:29pm PST
Tue, 13 December 2016
 Intro: Tim Justice show introduction 2:06 Intrest rate hike and The Trump Boost 8:37 Money coming into Energy 9:35 Gold down Dollar up 10:55 Trevor Evens (Being Normal Sucks) 17:09 The road to Real Estate Investing "The first love is the sweetest, but the first cut is the deepest” 25:00 How can you get into Real estate? 33:11 Long term vs. Short term game 43:17 "Trust me, I’m right” 47:53 Call to action! #beingnormalsucks Today we explore where two worlds collide. Trevor Evens puts the 'Real' in Real Estate. Learn about the long term vs the short term strategies when it comes to real estate. Find out why being normal sucks! January's book is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast in January to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ_Ep_195_trevor_evens.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:13pm PST
Mon, 12 December 2016
 2:04 Intro to Jeff Crystal 5:20 Mr. Crystals Journey 12:15 Things aren’t what they use to be (Black Swan Movement) 15:15 Intrest Raise Hike 24:40 Who is the Fed? 38:38 Who owns the Fed? 50:30 Who controls the Fed? 55:37 Think for yourself (Critical thought) 1:04:15 Volatility is back 1:13:07 Clown of the Week The question we all want the answer to; Who runs things around here? Long time trader and market analyst Jeff Crystal joins the action and helps us get to the bottom of the age-old question. Is the Fed what you think it is? If so, who do they answer to? All this much more on episode 194. December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ_195_mix-down.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:31pm PST
Mon, 5 December 2016
 Intro: Podcast outline 5:20: Recap last year's predicted 7:42: Market update 14:05: Forex report 23:50: John Reilly interview 30:43: "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" 41:41: School ruins creativity 51:01: Let haters hate, just be great 57:45: Clown-shoe Entrepreneurship is a journey. Something that we find his mindset is key and success. Today we have network marketer John Reilly on the show to tell us about his unique and inspiring journey. December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ_193_interview_with_John_Rilley.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 4:49pm PST
Fri, 2 December 2016
 Traders have faith in themselves. Traders understand that they cannot beat the market into submission. No way, the power of the market is too awesome for that. Instead, Traders have the faith that they are able to properly identify the opportunities that the market gives them, then of course act upon them. Intro: Welcome to episode 192 3:29 Call to action go to the clubhouse and take part in a poll of the next book club 4:05 Josh Cole recap of the book of the month ( Trading in the Zone ) 9:50- Mental Analysis 13:59 - The Four Primary Fears of Trading Being wrong, Losing money, Missing out, Leaving money on the table 28:23 -Preceptions 45:50-Having a strategy (You're either growing or you're dying) 54:18-Developing a Winning Attitude December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: BC_12-2-16.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:03pm PST
Tue, 29 November 2016
 Have you ever lost money due to a lack of knowledge of investing? Trust me, you are not alone. Many people face the same problem. Sometimes, not knowing what to do is the same as doing the wrong thing. Learning from the mistakes of others is a proven way to avoid unfavorable situations. Intro: Take Control (Jessie Livermore) 16:05: Welcoming Robert Shannon 25:34: Economic Knowledge is Economic Power 41:39: Technical Analysis and Time Frame 59:13: Learn the Lingo 1:08:11: Creating trading systems 1:21:00: Environmental hedging 1:30:06: Clown Shoes December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: Tradin_Justice_Podcast_Ep_191.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 9:25pm PST
Sun, 27 November 2016
 A trending topic with people that are new to trading is system development. We all agree a solid foundation is necessary for a stable house and system development is the foundation of every trading plan. Intro: Introduction by Tim Justice, welcoming long-time coach and stock trader Tyler Craig. 3:08: Healthcare and forward thinking 10:05: The importance of system development. 18:05: Commodity Corner 28:05: Define a time frame for your training plan 39:37: How schools kill creativity: Ken Robbins/ What your title? 44:08: Backtesting and Expectancy 53:03: Know your options 1:00:01: Singing-off December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ_ep_190_remastered.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:46pm PST
Mon, 14 November 2016
 The election’s finally over and we have a new president-elect. What might be next for the markets and the country now that Middle America has spoken? Matt, Noah, and Producer Cam get right to it on what happened in the markets during and after the election, and what may be in the future. 1:30 Election Night markets, and the day after 10:18 The Market Time-Out 12:31 The Trump Bounce 22:20 The US dollar upswing and gold vs inflation 34:33 What’s realistic, what’s not? 44:15 Facebook as a propaganda machine 58:17 Ask not what your country can do for you… 1:01:27 Immigration or more children 1:03:37 Clownshoes 1:11:36 Signing off December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ189MiddleAmericaSpeaks.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 4:13pm PST
Tue, 8 November 2016
 Earnings for the season are drawing to a close, as is the election. The market's had a nine-day cold streak, but was it due to poor earnings or a particularly volatile election? Join Matt, Tim, and guest Noah Davidson as they take a look at the close of earnings season and the election. Welcoming Noah: 8:59 Earnings Season: 18:31 Clownshows: 59:19 December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ188TheFinalCountdown.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 9:55am PST
Mon, 31 October 2016
 Bullish markets can feel easier to trade than bearish ones; even if you enter a stock mid-run, you can still turn a profit. That’s not quite the case with bearish markets, as entering before the bottom of downward run can potentially be quite costly if not timed correctly. It’s almost like trying to catch a knife… Market Recap—4:09 Uncertainty—9:41 OPEC—14:33 Energy Risk—20:06 Natural Gas—25:05 Introducing Gino—31:08 Catching Falling Knives—33:58 Warren Buffett—35:21 Bottom Fishing—40:30 Stocks that didn't recover—46:01 Krispy Kreme—49:32 Stock on sale—52:20 Cut losses early—56:10 Setting up stops—1:00:08 Cam penny stocks—1:11:29 Phil resetting trades—1:15:57 Clownshoes—1:24:22 December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ187CatchingFallingKnivesFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:25pm PST
Fri, 28 October 2016
 The October Book Club brings you author and veteran trader Andy Tanner to break down his insights on 401ks in the book 401Kaos. 401ks are all most consumers know when it comes to investing. Are they worth it in the end? The evidence doesn’t paint a very good picture… Start of Andy Interview — 2:34 History of 401Kaos — 3:50 Swimming in a Sea of Risk — 7:17 History of 401k — 10:00 Cashflow v Net Worth — 12:34 Retirement Pension — 15:45 401k 'accident' — 17:32 Why 401k doesn't work — 24:51 Different Tax Levels — 27:17 Compatibility — 29:35 Promises Kept... Or Not — 34:50 Paul Revere or Chicken Little — 36:33 Liquidating a 401k — 39:56 Employer Contributuion — 44:49 Friends and Family Reaction — 50:35 Rob Asks Andy To Write The Book — 53:39 December's book is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on December 1 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ186AndyTanner401KaosFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:59pm PST
Tue, 25 October 2016
 The past week brought us major business and political news: AT&T and Time Warner announced their intention to merge while the Clinton campaign had a rough go of it from email releases by Wikileaks & O’Keefe’s latest video. Join Matt and Tim for their take on mergers and the campaign. Halloween—3:10 ATT Time Warner Merger—9:06 Monopolies—14:48 IPO & Private Equity—20:00 Antitrust History—23:25 Neoliberal Economics—24:27 Effects of Monopoly and Mergers—28:09 Recent Merger History—35:45 Market Conditions and Leverage Requirements—40:32 Soros and Put Options—45:04 M&A Summary—49:53 Introducing Producer Cam—53:58 Clown of the Week—56:40 God and Oil—58:32 Donna Brazile—1:08:27 Clinton Wikileaks—1:17:40 Matt Prays—1:20:38 Special Guest Appearance—1:23:46 October's book is 401(k)aos by Andy Tanner. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on October 27 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta
Direct download: TJ185MergersLeaksFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:27pm PST
Thu, 20 October 2016
 It can feel like it's impossible to not find a winning trade in a bull market. Entire sectors see anywhere from steady to meteoric rises, companies report increased earnings quarter over quarter... even normally mediocre stocks can feel the uplift of such a market (as a rising tide raises all ships). Week after week, the markets generally continue to rise. It even feels like it'll last forever sometimes, right? Well, we all know how that goes. A bull (or bear, for that matter) market won't last forever. Resistance will eventually be found, tested, and remain unbroken, causing the market to at the least go sideways for a time. In such an instance, the markets become almost dull as they ping pong between constrained high and low. Specific strategies, such as straddles, work well enough; as can directionally trading within support and resistance. ...but what if support is broken consistently, and in a bigger way? Welcome, friends, to a bear market. Folks newer to trading may feel the opposite about a bear market as compared to a bull market: winning trades are almost impossible to find. Not the case at all. You just need to change up your strategy. First, there are always some risers even in a bear market. They can be tougher to find, but they do indeed exist (which is what scanners are for). Alternately, shorting is always an option. Or, you could choose to cash flow by selling options at a higher premium should volatility see an increase, as well. Long and short of it: there are ALWAYS trades if you know where to look. Not sure how to trade in a bear market yourself? Then give this episode a listen as Tim and Matt discuss bear markets, what can cause them, and what you can do to trade them. October's book is 401(k)aos by Andy Tanner. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on October 27 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ184BearMarketsFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:02am PST
Mon, 10 October 2016
 The markets appear stable enough, but are they really? There's systemic risk out there. Currency is pumped into the markets to keep them afloat, the Fed is deferring increasing the interest rate, and more. Should a particular drop occur, it could actually cause a runaway fall in the security. If that sounds far fetched, look no further than the flash crash of the GBP over the weekend. Due to the volatility surrounding the currency combined with high frequency trading algorithms, once the Pound dropped below a particular level of support, the drop became precipitous. (High frequency trading algorithms are tradebots with trigger orders that act with millisecond speed.) Volatility and black swan events such as the the GBP flash crash contribute to the systemic risk that's more present in the markets than usual. Want to know more? Listen to the latest episode of Trading Justice! October's book is 401(k)aos by Andy Tanner. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on October 27 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ183SystemicRiskElectionsFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:34pm PST
Tue, 4 October 2016
  With a little over a month until election day, both candidates have overall established their policy. ...but what are the policies, actually? The airwaves tend to be dominated more by 3 AM tweets, missing emails, misfiled paperwork, and other noise. Granted, some of that noise should be paid attention to, but it distracts from where each candidate stands on the economy, taxes, and more. Well, the Brothers Justice say, "Enough!" They've dug into the positions for both Clinton and Trump in order to do a side-by-side comparison injected with their trademark commentary. Taxes, central banking policy, corporate regulations, and more; Matt and Tim get to the root of each candidate's positions and breaks them down for ya. So instead of reading about another tweetstorm, sit back and enjoy episode 182 of the Trading Justice podcast. October's book is 401(k)aos by Andy Tanner. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on October 27 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ182PresidentialPodcast.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:32am PST
Thu, 29 September 2016
  Market Wizards interviews a wide variety of traders: contrarians, trend followers, market makers, scalpers, and more. Each one has their own strategies, biases, and market insights that are unique to them while still lending to each trader's success. Even with the wildly different personas, trading styles, and market views, there are consistent concepts that come up again and again as Jack Schwager interviewed these disparate and successful traders. Words and phrases: discipline; stick to your plan, avoid emotional trading. There's a few more, too. If you're a fan of the show, even that short list should look familiar... Join guest hosts Josh Cole and Noah Davidson as they break down Market Wizards in episode 181 of Trading Justice. October's book is 401(k)aos by Andy Tanner. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on October 27 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ181MarketWizards.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:57pm PST
Mon, 26 September 2016
  The US economy, and the world's in general, is on shaky ground. Interest rates are at record lows (and negative in some instances), making it of marginal value to save or buy bonds. The markets are overextended to the upside, causing volatility spikes when there's movement to the downside. In such conditions, what's called a flight to safety often occurs; where investors move their capital to traditionally safe instruments such as bonds and precious metals. However, with interest rates what they are, the flight to safety is being concentrated more into gold and silver. That's where Steve Rand comes in for new and veteran investors. With over 13 years of experience assisting investors with the precious metals markets tailored to each investor, he's developed a keen understanding of the underpinnings of both gold & silver and the markets as a whole. Want to hear what Steve has to say about the current state of things? Then give a listen to episode 180 of Trading Justice. Want to get in touch with Steve Rand? Here's how you can: Ph: 602.365.0165 email: web: September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ180EconomyWSteveRand.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:00pm PST
Mon, 19 September 2016
  Millennials and later live in an exciting time. Many of them have never known life without the internet (or even Amazon in some cases). The availability of information is unrivaled in history. ...and in terms of trading, it's never been so robust or easy to keep up with your trades. From Robin Hood to full brokers such as Thinkorswim, you can trade on the go or fully immerse yourself in an eight-screen workstation. Unfortunately, while one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away. The future of a Millennial is far less uncertain. Gone are the days of their grandparents and parents where going to college could easily lead to a solid paying job. Also absent are pension plans from working at the same company for decades. Further, college is expensive (and increasing in price every year) and is increasingly becoming a form of credentialism. The path of a Millenial into adulthood and beyond will be far different than previous generations. Take Jake Larmour, for instance. He's a Millennial forging his own path. Having started working for his father at the age of 11, by the time he graduated, he already had close to a decade of experiences on his resume. Early in college, he came across Rich Dad, Poor Dad and through further digging, ended up signing up for Legacy Education classes. Today, he's still in school and further refining his day trading skills while also learning about real estate. On TOP of it. Want to hear more of Jake's story? Then sit back and listen to episode 179 of the Trading Justice podcast. You can find Jake Larmour in the Facebook Group: Liberated Traders. Here's a link for ya. September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ179MillenialTradersJakeLarmour.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:30pm PST
Tue, 13 September 2016
 September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ178MentoringProcessFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 7:20pm PST
Tue, 6 September 2016
  When Steve Andrus graduated from college to play basketball internationally, he didn't expect he'd really need to worry about money management. Even at $40 commission per trade, he could either buy and hold particular securities or put moneys into mutual funds. Unfortunately, an unscrupulous money manager was Steve's contact for investing, leaving Steve with little remaining in his investment accounts. There's often a silver lining, though. In this instance, the events lead to Steve resolving to get educated on investing in both stock and real estate. He dove in headfirst into all the books and workshops he could get his hands on, and with diligent practice, study, and the mentorship of a long-time floor trader, Steve found himself an instructor for TDAmeritrade teaching others how to invest himself. In Steve's long history of trading, he's seen the markets change considerably, from having to phone in those aforementioned $40 commission trades to managing everything from the comfort of your computer. Sit back and give a listen to Steve's story and the recent history of the markets. September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ177SteveAndrusFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:29pm PST
Fri, 26 August 2016
  Mutual funds are marketed and sold as reasonably safe and effective investment vehicles; put your money in and forget about it until you retire. They can provide returns, sure, but they often perform less well than the S&P, and upwards of 60% of profits made in an account can be taken by fees and market action. It may sound unbelievable, but guest host Garrett Holden has been a mutual fund salesman himself, and attests that the figure is accurate. He didn't initially know the take from investors was so high until he started doing research to improve his performance for both the company and his clients. Shortly afterword, Garrett started looking for other ways to help people financially, and it came down to educating them about finance so people can act on their own. Hence, this month's book, Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins. It lays out the details above for the average layperson and how stacked mutual funds are against investors in such instruments. The book goes on to draw the same conclusion: teaching oneself how to trade and manage finances independently is more effective in the long run provided you're willing to learn. What you invest in and how is up to you (although, Tony makes several suggestions), but the most important thing is taking action. Join guest host Garrett Holden as he breaks down the book section by section along with his own commentary throughout in the August edition of the Trading Justice Book Club. September's book is Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager (July 2012 edition). You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on September 29 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ176AugustBookClubFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:39pm PST
Thu, 25 August 2016
  With so much going on in your life every day, it can be difficult just to find the time to trade, let alone plan your trades. When you do, how can you decide what to trade? Pundits such as Kramer and his ilk always are going on about the latest hot stock. You could just blindly listen to them. ...or maybe you could just trade stocks of companies you like. Put your money behind companies that do what you consider good work. ...those are both terrible ideas without proper planning and insight, by the way. If tempered with your own trading plan as a check against whether said stocks fit what you've determined to be good trades for you, doing so can work just fine as a starting point. A trading plan is essential to the active trader. It'll help you stay on course with your personal trading goals and rules regardless of what the market is up to. A plan removes emotion when you hit a hot streak and start feeling unbeatable (a dangerous place to be); it keeps you on the straight and narrow instead of chasing high risk big wins that you normally wouldn't go after. At the same time, a plan helps remove some of the sting from losing trades, as well. Not every trade is going to be a winner, and a proper trading plan will take that fact into account and both help pad the ego from the losses along with keeping you from chasing high risk big wins to make up for lost ground. So if you haven't found the time to make a trading plan and you're just drifting to and fro in the markets, make time. ...then stick to those rules. Your portfolio and your nerves will thank you. August's book is Money: Mastering the Game, by Tony Robbins. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on August 25 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ175PlanningTrades.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:55pm PST
Mon, 15 August 2016
  Trading is an expansive enterprise that's been around for quite some time. With anything so complex and aged as trading, there's bound to be general beliefs and advice that crop up. Some are solid: Don't fight the Fed by trading contrary to what they're doing. Trade the trend of the chart, not your hunches. There are no old, bold traders as there's no real reason to take on excessive risk when trading for the long term. Other beliefs and advice is incorrect, or at least incomplete. Mutual funds are safe. Trading is hard. It takes a lot of time to trade. These statements and others have wormed their way into some traders' thinking, and Trading Justice is setting out to undo these incorrect assumptions and beliefs. Join Matt and Tim as they assess ten different trading myths and deconstruct them point by point as to how they're incorrect. From trading only being for men to the market being unbeatable, this isn't an episode to miss. You can download the list of trading myths for your self right here: download link August's book is Money: Mastering the Game, by Tony Robbins. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on August 25 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ174BreakingTradingMyths.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:49am PST
Mon, 8 August 2016
  Tim and Matt are joined by Real Estate and Credit expert Jeremy Reece to give you the score on credit, why it's so important, and the difference between good and bad debt. We've all heard the ads, "We'll give a loan to anyone! Bad credit, no credit? No problem!" What is the difference between bad credit and no credit though? As it turns out, history. You could have a credit score of 750, but without the extensive payment history to back up the score, you'll have a difficult time securing a loan. Why is that? Well, you may have made a few payments on time, but there's not enough data from a payment history to show that's a consistent pattern of behavior. That's not to say you should go out and get a bunch of credit cards right now, either. Consistent payments, over time, only utilizing a fraction of the credit that's available to you. That's how it's really done. It can't be done overnight, but as the score builds, interest rates can potentially get better for ya and loans will be easier to secure, as well. Wait, though. What if you're living paycheck to paycheck and there's no room on the credit cards at all other than for the minimum monthly payment? Well, Jeremy (and others) would argue there is, it's just a matter of giving your expenses a good hard shakedown. Cut the fat where you can (and that can seem painful initially) and start making extra payments with the saved moneys toward the gnarliest bills. Over time the gnarliest bills will disappear and you'll have more money to keep doing the same trick. Keep at it utilizing that snowball effect and over time, you'll have debts paid off and extra cash in your account. ...and guess what? That's also roughly how compound interest works when working with trades such as covered calls or other cash flow strategies. So long as the funds don't leave the system, they'll keep working for you in the future, earning you more money. For more about Jeremy Reece's company, ASFG, you can find the website right here: ASFG Link August's book is Money: Mastering the Game, by Tony Robbins. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on August 25 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ173JeremyReeceBuildingCredit.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:46pm PST
Tue, 2 August 2016
  Tim and Matt are joined by market veteran and raconteur Pete Thomas to talk commodities, trading, and Pete's colorful history. Pete Thomas, currently the Senior VP of Zaner Precious Metals, has quite a history. Not only is he a LONG time trader of precious metals that started in silver, Peter was also a long-time stunt coordinator for Hollywood; including films from Towering Inferno to the Dark Knight Rises. Also a motorcycle enthusiast, author, and again, a talented metals trader, Pete has much to share. Matt is also a metals fan, and has a long-term compounding strategy in development called Personal Gold Standard. The general idea is to take passive cash flow from dividends, covered calls, and other gains to purchase physical gold and silver. The idea here is twofold. First, as a hedge against currency risk, and second, as a diversification into commodities with proven historical performance in the markets. Here’s a couple of Pete Thomas’s articles for ya, as well: August's book is Money: Mastering the Game, by Tony Robbins. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on August 25 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ172PeteThomasPersonalGold.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 4:49pm PST
Tue, 26 July 2016
  Join Tim and Noah as they cover the advanced strategy of trading earnings with the naked strangle. Trading during earnings can be a harrying prospect for newer traders. Scads of new company data hits almost every day, the markets get jumpy, and the market acts unpredictably. Record earnings from that hot tech startup! Stock price is... dropping?? Lukewarm to bad earnings from an industry titan aaaaand its price just gapped up two dollars and made a short breakout run to the upside. There are ways to trade earnings safely. Trade around them, with your active trades avoiding the potential whipsaw. Don't trade them by staying in commodities, ETFs, and Forex. ...or you can utilize a strangle trade. A strangle (or collar) trade is where you have both a put and a call in place on a trade with the the limit order and stop order set around the price of each other. The theory is you're covered whichever way the price of the stock goes. When executed correctly, and that is the key, it works exactly like that. When set up improperly, though, it can deal serious damage to an account balance. A NAKED strangle (which is what Tim and Noah cover today) is doing that without owning any positions in the aforementioned stock. So take above, and add the risk of having to purchase the stock to fulfill the trade if it goes against you. It's a completely viable strategy, but it is for experienced traders only. Even then, it should be practiced through paper trading before going live with such a trade. With that note, enjoy Tim and Noah's take on the Naked Strangle. August's book is Money: Mastering the Game, by Tony Robbins. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on August 25 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here. ...
Direct download: TJ171NakedStranleFinal.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:35pm PST
Thu, 21 July 2016
  Join Matt and Tim as they discuss the importance of portfolio design and also trading during earnings. Arbitrarily picking stocks that match your trading rules is a way to trade, but not a good way. You can end up with a mis-balanced portfolio in the wrong sectors at the wrong time, too heavily invested in speculation, or other woes that could potentially lead to the implosion of your account. This is why just like you should have trading rules for choosing stocks to invest in, your portfolio should have a set of guidelines as well. Think of it as a strategy for your personal trading rules to follow. In general, there are three portions to a portfolio: cash flow, growth, and speculation. Cash flow is the segment where positions such as covered calls are placed and the passive income generated from the, well, cash flow, goes back into your account to help incrementally grow it over time through the power of compound interest. Growth is where you increase the strength and size of your portfolio with long-term holdings such as dividend-yielding stocks (and more covered calls) to improve your position over time. Buy and hold stocks will generally be in the growth segment of a portfolio. Lastly, speculation is for short-term trades and dealing with commodity futures and such. Again, options can be written against these trades (such as positions in oil), but be sure you have the proper training to not get blown out by an unexpected news event. Among cash flow, growth, and speculation a portfolio also needs balance; both in matching your personal trading style, and in position sizing. Assigning too much of your portfolio to a single trade not only throws your portfolio out of balance, but can potentially be catastrophic. What if that overweighted trade goes against you? What happens then? Here's a good measure on if a trade is imbalanced: if you get anxiety thinking about a specific trade, it's probably oversized for the type of trade it is (along with possibly being a bad trade outright). Follow your rules, and keep your portfolio balanced. August's book is Money: Mastering the Game, by Tony Robbins. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on August 25 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes!
Direct download: TJ170PortfolioDesign.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:54pm PST
Mon, 18 July 2016
  Join Matt and Tim for a discussion on the ongoing upward markets, the continuing polarization of the world, and a conversation with Coach Greg Holmes about commodities. The markets reached and tested new highs last week despite a slew of upsetting news over the past month or so. From Brexit and Orlando to Detroit, France, and Turkey, the markets are just unfazed. That's not to say there aren't initial reactions. There was a dip after the Brexit Resolution vote, but short of the GBP, everything has generally already recovered or even broken new highs in the case of the S&P. Granted momentum is decreasing, but that doesn't change the surge that occurred. Conversely, the events that have been unfolding around the world reflect a growing divide, whether ideological or otherwise, and the more radicalized elements getting more press time than more grounded and moderate views. What doesn't help this is an increasing inability to discuss things with one another, whether it's hot-button issues such as gun control or more mundane things such as taxes. When it's discovered that someone has a differing opinion on certain subjects, people are either just not talking about the subjects in question (in the best case), or outright breaking all communication with the other party (in the worst case). This causes a devolving echo chamber on both sides of issues where folks are only listening to others that share their views, which in turn gives radicalized elements a bigger voice as people try to 'outdo' one another in ideological purity. The good news is, this can stop. Instead of rejecting the other side out of hand (on whatever the issue is) and devolving to attacks on the other position, have a rational discussion. Don't bait the other side into acting irrationally nor allow yourself to be baited. The more we talk to each other, the more we'll find we actually have in common in other ways, even if we don't agree on everything. That can lead to more rational discussions, and more understanding, which would narrow that divide and bring folks closer together again. It can be done. The trick, though, is to keep talking. August's book is Money: Mastering the Game, by Tony Robbins. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on August 25 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes!
Direct download: TJ169CommoditiesMarketsDivide.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:20pm PST
Thu, 14 July 2016
  Join Garret Holden and Justice Ekhaguere as they dive into The Death of Money by James Rickards. You wouldn't think it, but the world fiat currency system is under intense pressure. Massive amounts of quantitative easing (you can read that as printing money) by every major country, increasing instability with events such as the Brexit, and the continued flow of money upwards without it cycling back into the economy has pushed the world economy to the breaking point. That's James Rickards take, anyway. ...and he knows a thing or two about economics. Rickards is a portfolio manager, lawyer, economist, and the first to apply complexity theory to economics. He's also the author of the best-selling New Case for Gold and Currency Wars.; From China's sprawling empty cities and the corrupt uncertainty of Russia, to the massive market manipulation of the US, EU, and Japan, The Death of Money takes us through just what is really going on behind the curtain of the world economies. Even other BRICS countries, such as Brazil, aren't without their problems. Brazil, for example, has patchy infrastructure and is currently embroiled in corruption hearings throughout its government. It's not all doom and gloom, though; Rickards also offers insights on what can be done to prepare for the worst. So listen in as Garrett takes you through The Death of Money. August's book is Money: Mastering the Game, by Tony Robbins. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on Thursday August 25 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ168DeathOfMoneyBookClubFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:26pm PST
Mon, 11 July 2016
  Join Matt and Tim for an interview with Micah Brooks, long-time investor and Legacy educator. One would expect if interest in the markets is passed down by the family, it would be from parent to child. That wasn't the case for Micah. It was his grandfather that sparked the interest at a young age. While his father ran an electrician shop, Micah would chat with his grandpa about the markets, mutual funds, and investing. It was even his grandfather that taught Micah how to read the ticker symbols and stock quotes at that young age. When it came time to go to college, Micah tried following the family business of engineering, but found it didn't interest him. What did grab his attention, though, was economics. This was also about when trading started getting Micah's attention again, too; his co-workers were trading while working on MBAs and introduced him to options trading through ScottTrade. Unfortunately, due to a lack of proper education, Micah's account was soon empty. It wouldn't be his last time trading, though. While working at an investment firm, Micah ran into a group of day traders a few blocks away that were willing to help teach him the proper ins and outs of options trading (as well as setting him up with a virtual account to practice with first). Before long, not only was Micah pulling returns, he ended up as co-owner of his own investment firm managing other folks' money! One of the keys was the proper education, along with the willingness to seek it out. Without that training, Micah may have ended up staying an account manager at the previous firm instead of owning his own. Today, in addition to trading himself, Micah trains others to trade both through classes and mentorships with the goal of helping people gain control of their finances through motivation, self-discipline, and the development of a solid trading plan. That is something folks can end up missing in reading about big trades and big wins: you can't get there without the motivation to carry you through. Trading half-heartedly or as a hobby will get you hobby-like results. Commit. Get educated and stay with it, and the results will follow. July's book is The Death of Money, by James Rickard. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on July 13 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes!
Direct download: TJ167MicahBrooksAndEducation.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:33am PST
Thu, 7 July 2016
  Join Matt and Tim as they cover the current state of the markets and share their thoughts on the importance of having a trading plan. Many view view trading as a hobby, something to dabble in and maybe get lucky with every now and again. This view is incorrect. Trading is a business; even you trade for an hour a week. In treating it as a business, it should have a plan in place for how you operate. For trading, this takes form as a trading plan; a high-level encapsulation of all the goals, strategies, and trading rules a trader follows. It starts with goals: why are you trading? Retirement planning? Growing a college fund? Spending money? There really isn't a right answer here, but different goals will inform the decision on different strategies depending on the time horizon of the goal. What goes hand in hand with trading goals is determining what kind of trader you are. Do you want to day trade and not really hold any position too long? Are you a long-term investor? Again, no wrong answer here, but the type of trader you are affects the possible strategies you'll use even more than your goals. Following your trading goals and trading style will steer a trader to particular trading strategies. Traders that prefer buy and hold will want securities with good fundamentals and dividends, while a day trader only really cares about the technicals of the chart and any outstanding news (earnings, economic reports, etc.). Further, a trader can split a portfolio into different segments. Part of the portfolio could be dividend yielding stocks that have covered calls written against them while another part of the portfolio is set aside for swing trading to take advantage of when trends end or are just starting. The one thing about strategies is that they need to be tested before being taken live. Backtesting with a virtual trading account can help catch a poorly implemented strategy before it's taken live and causes the implosion of an account. July's book is The Death of Money, by James Rickard. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on July 13 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book. You'll be able to join us right here: Podcast Room
For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ166TradingPlans.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:46pm PST
Wed, 6 July 2016
 July's book is The Death of Money, by James Rickard. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on July 13 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book and will send out a link to all prior to the book review. We have a preview of the book and the author with host Garrett Holden for you today, too, so give it a listen, give The Death of Money a read, and come ready to discuss the book! Once a month members of Tackle Trading can participate in the Tackle Trading Book Club (Think Oprah but much cooler, life changing, and actually can help us improve our lives and make some money). The Tackle Trading Book Club will be monitored by Garrett Holden. Each month we will select 1-2 books to read and review at the end of the month through an online webinar. There will be books of many different topics including mindset, trading, options, technical analysis, economic. Our desire at Tackle is to make the most intelligent and informed traders of all time and we are all prepared to put the time and effort in to accomplish this goal.
Direct download: BookClubPreviewJuly2016FINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:06am PST
Tue, 5 July 2016
  Join Matt and Tim for a wide-ranging discussion about the latest happenings in the market with regard to Brexit, the Central Banks, and trading systems. With the future of the Brexit still uncertain but not currently moving forward, the markets had a snapback lasting longer than the initial dip from the referendum results, resulting in a bit of a bullish rally. That's not to say the markets are bullish right now; the markets themselves are still sideways, and have been for the past 19 months. The Brexit vote caused a bit of a shakeup and a spike in volatility, but pricewise, it's as though the vote hadn't happened at all. Going hand in hand with this mini-rally is the Central Banks from around the world assuring that they would take any measures necessary to shore up the markets should they have felt the rumblings of a crash occurring. Regardless of whether the snapback had occurred or an actual crash instead, if a trader is prepared for a given market (bullish, bearish, neutral), that trader will make money regardless of what the markets do, and without having to do much other than manage trades that follow said system. Do note, though, that while running a system may be easy once it's built and backtested, constructing an actual system with a reasonable probability of success is some serious work (and it should be, too). Think of it as frontloading the work into your trading. All the testing and design is done up front, and then the system generally runs itself save specific trade management. --- For your free 15 day Tackle Trading Pro trial membership, follow this link ( and fill out the form with the coupon code being: theta Also, we'll be giving away a free month of Tackle Trading Pro membership to the best, most interesting review left for the podcast on iTunes! You can leave a review right here.
Direct download: TJ165BrexitSnapBackFinal.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:44pm PST
Mon, 27 June 2016
Direct download: TJ164TheBrexit.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:54pm PST
Thu, 23 June 2016
  Join guest host Gino Poore as he delves into the vicariousness of the VIX.. The VIX, or Implied Volatility chart, is a measure of overall market sentiment in regard to uncertainty. When the VIX is low, market moves tend not to be too unexpected (on the whole), and traders are generally fine with not having insurance (or options). When VIX is high, the market is seen more unpredictable and volatile, driving options prices up correspondingly. Several things can affect VIX, too: news events, earnings, sector performance, and more.
Direct download: TJ163TheVIX.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:04pm PST
Mon, 20 June 2016
Direct download: TJ162OwenMalcolmDetermination.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:06pm PST
Thu, 16 June 2016
  Join Producer Phil and Book Club host Garrett Holden for a discussion about Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom by trading psychologist Van Tharp. Van Tharp is a renowned psychologist that holds private trading strategy building sessions for upwards of $20k per session. Fortunately for the average person, he also wrote Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom. There are many parallels between the book and what Matt and Tim espouse for trading, too: know what kind of trader you are, set goals, follow your trading plan, and more. One main expansion Trade Your Way does offer is a look at expectancy, or roughly your odds of success in a given enterprise (trading in this instance). If after doing all calculations for odds of success and failure, Tharp posits that if the calculation yields a net positive, your strategy should be done as much as possible as often as possible. That's not to say it should be traded blindly; that would affect the expectancy, anyway. It's more that in following your personal trading rules, you should perform the trades as frequently as your rules and account will allow. Garrett delves into this concept and others in episode 161 of Trading Justice. Also, July's book is The Death of Money by James Rickard, and the LIVE Book Club podcast will be held on July 13 at 7 PM ET.
Direct download: TJ161BookClubTradeWay.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:22pm PST
Tue, 14 June 2016
Direct download: TJ160BrexitAndFOMC.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:42pm PST
Mon, 13 June 2016
  Join Tim Justice for a conversation with trader and Rich Dad Hall of Fame Nominee Brad May as they discuss trading education and developing your own system. Trading may seem intimidating to new traders and those unfamiliar with the space, but it's just like any other pursuit. With practice and education, anyone can learn how to trade competently. It may be the sheer amount of terminology, all the complex charts, and the fact that it's your money that's on the line that initially spooks people, but all it takes is dedication and education to get trading. One last hurdle for some on the education front is that it costs money to get educated, whether from a class system such as Legacy or one-on-one with a mentor. Question for you, though: college costs money, too, doesn't it? There's less hesitation on people's part there, even though the skills & knowledge may not be applicable to what you end up doing unless you're going into a specialized field. Well, Brad May managed to clear that mental hurdle, starting with reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. From there, he found his way into classes and mentorships where he learned about options trading and went on to develop his own system focusing on the volatility crush.
Direct download: TJ159TradingWithBradMay.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:26am PST
Wed, 8 June 2016
  Join Tackle Trading's Gino Poore, Tim Justice, and Tyler Craig as they discuss positioning trades to both enter and exit the market efficiently. In this Coaches Show audio replay, the Tackle Trading coaches cover more than just market conditions and economic news for the week. While market conditions were indeed covered, the focus was trade positioning and getting the most return and protection out of entering and exiting a trade. Entering a trade is more than just clicking a few buttons on a screen or calling your broker. It also involves timing the trade, assessing trade volume if you're considering options, and figuring out your best entry and exit points. If you already do this without thinking too much about it, you're already trade positioning as part of your routine. Each of these aspects, when planned out, can help maximize a return and minimize a loss. Further, entry and exit points don't have to be fixed. If a stock is looking like it may swing into an extended position in your favor (either high or low), you may wish to let it ride and can absolutely do so. Do note, though, that if the exit isn't revised in the trade itself, you may end up giving back all the gains you were letting ride in the first place, and then some.
Direct download: TJ158PositioningTrades.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:20pm PST
Tue, 7 June 2016
  Join Matt and Tim as they interview Sean Gray, a Legacy Education chap from the real estate side. Investment comes in a variety of forms. You can trade stocks, buy bonds, build companies, or even work with real estate. Sean Gray started with real estate himself after reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and playing the Cash Flow board game. After knowing both of them forwards and backward, Sean decided to attend a Legacy Education event focusing on real estate to see if he could further sharpen his skills. Over the weekend, the Cash Flow board game was pulled out at the event, and Sean was the only person consistently getting out of the Rat Race (the objective of the game), and he started helping the other players understand how they could do so, too. That eagerness to help others and skill eventually landed him a spot with Legacy Education travelling the country helping other people learn about how they too can earn their own financial freedom. One interesting thing Sean learned while learning real estate, working with Legacy, and researching stocks for possible diversification is that investing has a lot of similarities regardless of the format chosen by the investor. They all require dedication to learn the underlying mechanics, they all have the same goal of ultimately generating passive income, and they're all doable if you're willing to put in the work. Sean, Matt, and Tim further explore these similarities in this episode of Trading Justice.
Direct download: TJ157SeanGrayRealEstate.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:08pm PST
Mon, 6 June 2016
 This month's book is Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom by Van Tharp. You can find it on Amazon right here, or check your local library. We'll be doing a live audience podcast on June 15 at 7 PM ET to discuss the book and will send out a link to all prior to the book review. Give it a read, and come ready to discuss the book! Once a month members of Tackle Trading can participate in the Tackle Trading Book Club (Think Oprah but much cooler, life changing, and actually can help us improve our lives and make some money). The Tackle Trading Book Club will be monitored by Garrett Holden. Each month we will select 1-2 books to read and review at the end of the month through an online webinar. There will be books of many different topics including mindset, trading, options, technical analysis, economic. Our desire at Tackle is to make the most intelligent and informed traders of all time and we are all prepared to put the time and effort in to accomplish this goal.
Here is a list of the initial books recommended by Tackle Trading: Introductory Books • 401kaos: Andy Tanner • How to Make Money in Stocks: William O’Neil • New Market Wizards: Jack Schwager • Money Mastery: Tony Robbins • The Intelligent Investor: Benjamin Graham • The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: John Bogle Mindset Books • Think and Grow Rich: Napoleon Hill • Richest Man in Babylon: George S Clason • Richdad PoorDad: Robert Kiyosaki • Trading in the Zone: Mark Douglas • Trade your way to Financial Freedom: Van Tharp • Start with Why: Simon Sinek Technical Books • Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques: Steve Nison • Elliott Wave Principle: Frost Prechter • Technical Analysis A – Z: Stephen Achelis Currency • Death of Money: James Rickards • Currency Wars: James Rickards • Creature from Jekyll Island: Edward Griffin Economic • Wealth of Nations: Adam Smith • Atlas Shrugged: Ayn Rand • Capital: Karl Marx • The General Theory of Employment, Interest, & Money: John Maynard Keynes • Individualism and Economic Order: Friedrich Hayek • Intermarket Analysis: John Murphy Options • Options Made Easy: Guy Cohen
Direct download: JuneBookClubPreview.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:50am PST
Wed, 1 June 2016
Direct download: TJ156PortfolioDesign.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:10pm PST
Thu, 26 May 2016
  Join Matt and Tim for their discussion of the Glass Steagall Act and its effect on the consumer. The Glass Steagall Act was a law from 1933 that banned commercial banks (those that you do checking and have an savings account with) from doing any investment banking (securities trading and the like), and vice versa. The Act was put into place as a consumer protection measure to keep commercial banks more conservative in their business actions after the failure of more than 5,000 banks during the Great Depression. Over the years, opponents of the legislation lobbied against the Act, stating it was to restrictive to business and banks' ability to seek revenue. Starting in the 60's, federal regulators started interpreting various actions by commercial and investment banks to be permissible under Glass Steagall that may not have been allowed earlier in the legislation's life cycle such as affiliation between the two and bank underwriting of corporate debt. By the 80's the Act was all but dead, and was fully repealed in 1999. After its repeal, intermingling of commercial and investment banking saw the creation of instruments such as mortgage-backed securities and other complex bundling schemes. You may recognize that as one of the major factors that lead to the 2008 financial crisis. Even with the damage that was done, no further restrictions have been put in place to prevent such an action from happening again. However, there are increasing calls for a form of Glass Steagall to be re-implemented. Whether it will or not remains to be seen, and would likely have to wait until late 2017 at the earliest.
Direct download: TJ155GlassSteagall.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:36pm PST
Mon, 23 May 2016
  Join Matt and Tim on the importance of building a team for your personal trading business. With day trading being a solo activity, you may think that there's no need to create a personal team for yourself. It's just you, your computer, and the market, right? Not so much, actually. True, trade execution is all about you making the final call, but why work alone? Trading can be a lonely and draining activity. Being a tweet or forum post away from other fellow traders can take that edge off, as the folks you're posting with know what yer going through, as well. Furtherd iscussing and figuring out new strategies together can be rewarding for all involved. You might think keeping a killer strategy to yourself to prevent it from being overused, but the market is so big, it doesn't really matter.Lastly, you never know where connections may lead. Bridge building can end up introducing you to surprisingly interesting and important people for you. Not quite sure where to start building your team? A good starting point are mentors. Mentors can serve two purposes: a power hitter on your team for the tricky stuff, and possibly to introduce you to other traders at about your same level the mentor knows themselves to work with. Trading and learning with other folks at your same skill level lends the ability to commiserate about the same struggles you're all going through and share the successes with. To that end, trading workshops (both online and in-person) is also a good place to meet like-minded folks to share ideas with. ...and don't forget Tackle Trading; its forums are full of fellow traders down to talk trade news & strategy, as are the coaches shows.
Direct download: TJ154PowerTeam.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:04am PST
Fri, 20 May 2016
Direct download: Tj153ProtectiveOptions.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Fri, 13 May 2016
  Join Producer Phil as he takes you back through a the highlights of a few of the show's past guests. Tackle Trading's had a variety of guests over the past few years, and today, we're highlighting three of them for you. First, Jake Pelly: a trader so adept that he's never had a naked put trade go against him. He also understands the power of compound interest and doesn't let greed get the best of him in pursuing returns. Next, we'll share a bit of time with Clint Coons, a tax expert when it comes to day trading and day traders. Tax season may be over now, but if you're day trading, it's good to give a listen. Lastly, we'll join Tim and George Antone, entrepreneur and author of The Wealthy Code, a book that goes over the concept of money and general mindset in approaching ventures.
Direct download: TJ151TeamsTradingTaxes.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:51pm PST
Wed, 11 May 2016
  Join Tackle Trading's Gino Poore, Noah Davidson, and Matt Justice as they discuss the impact seasonality has on the markets and how historical market data can make prediction more reliable. In this Coaches Show audio replay, the Tackle Trading coaches cover more than just market conditions and economic news for the week. While market conditions were indeed covered, the focus was seasonality's effect on markets and how historical seasonal data can help make predictive models. Seasonality in trading is much like you may picture the word when it comes to the retail space: certain sectors consistently perform better or worse during specific times of the year. For example, retail tends to pick up toward the end of the year thanks to the rush of holidays that occur. In mid-Spring, it tends to be energy and basic goods that do well; there are no major holidays for a long stretch, and with temperatures switching up, energy consumption increases after the mildness of early Spring. In taking this historical data of sector performance over the years in each month, patterns emerge that carry over from year to year, which makes predicting what may happen in the markets more reliable (but never 100% certain or risk-free).
Direct download: TJ150DailyRoutine.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:19pm PST
Wed, 4 May 2016
Direct download: TJ149LighterSideOfTrading.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 8:59pm PST
Tue, 3 May 2016
  Join Tackle Trading's Gino Poore, Noah Davidson, and Matt Justice as they discuss the impact seasonality has on the markets and how historical market data can make prediction more reliable. In this Coaches Show audio replay, the Tackle Trading coaches cover more than just market conditions and economic news for the week. While market conditions were indeed covered, the focus was seasonality's effect on markets and how historical seasonal data can help make predictive models. Seasonality in trading is much like you may picture the word when it comes to the retail space: certain sectors consistently perform better or worse during specific times of the year. For example, retail tends to pick up toward the end of the year thanks to the rush of holidays that occur. In mid-Spring, it tends to be energy and basic goods that do well; there are no major holidays for a long stretch, and with temperatures switching up, energy consumption increases after the mildness of early Spring. In taking this historical data of sector performance over the years in each month, patterns emerge that carry over from year to year, which makes predicting what may happen in the markets more reliable (but never 100% certain or risk-free).
Direct download: TJ148Seasonality_Final.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:57pm PST
Thu, 28 April 2016
  Join Tackle Trading's Gino Poore and Noah Davidson as they discuss the trickiness of trading during earnings while also covering market conditions for the week. In this Coaches Show audio replay, the Tackle Trading coaches cover more than just market conditions and economic news for the week. While market conditions were indeed covered, the focus was largely on trading through earnings. Earnings, a quarterly event where publicly traded companies post their performance for the previous quarter, causes waves for the stock in question, and sometimes even a sector. You can expect gaps up or down, but not necessarily in the direction you'd expect. Even if a company outperforms earnings, the price can plummet for a few days, or raise on news of underperforming. Simply put, it can be unpredictable. Newer traders are generally advised to trade with caution while keeping an eye on when earnings is coming up for a particular company they own, or even exit entirely while earnings is happening. Such decisions are left to the individual trader, but care is always advisable.
Direct download: TJ147TradingDuringEarnings.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:51pm PST
Thu, 14 April 2016
  Join Matt and Gino for their discussion about the differences between delta traders and theta traders. There are two major greeks in trading: delta and theta. Delta represents directionality of a trade and its probabilty of profit, while theta represents time decay in an option trade. There are two other greeks, as well; vega and rho. They aren't covered as much, but vega represents volatility movement while rho represents interest rate change. As you can imagine, rho doesn't get much attention of late. In a way, delta and theta trading also represent different trading styles, as well. Directional trades require reasonably frequent maintenance to ensure they stay in the money and fine-tuning should a particular security start going the opposite direction. They can score homeruns, but can require a fair bit of work. Options, on the other hand, earn you cash flow so long as they're active. Provided you're the seller of an option, and it's set up correctly, it will have a decent percentage chance of expiring worthless for who bought it; leaving you with some cash in your portfolio. Even if you get assigned (that is to say the option doesn't expire worthless and the buyer takes your security), you *still* get paid even then. Granted, you'll have to go purchase that given security again if you want to stay in it, but that's just how it rolls sometimes. That's not to say selling options is strictly easy. It does require training to do correctly, and doing it wrong can easily destroy your account (particularly if you start trading naked puts without knowing what you're doing). Also, if a particular option looks like it will be exercised come expiration time and you *don't* want to exit the security, it can cost some time and capital to fix.
Direct download: TJ145TypesOfTraders.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:45pm PST
Wed, 13 April 2016
  Join Tim and Matt for their discussion about the impact earnings can have on stock price and the impact you can make on your own financial future by trading for yourself. Earnings is a challenging time to trade for everyone, new and old trader alike. Will your companies of choice beat earnings expectations? Will the market even react how you'd expect to the news? For new traders, that second question can be particularly vexing. If a company beats earnings, its stock should go up, right? Well, not during earnings. A solid earnings report can cause a short term dip in the stock's chart, while a less-than-stellar earnings report may cause a spike. Why? Essentially, low spooky action at a distance. That very unpredictability is why new traders are recommended to trade light around a particular company's earnings reports, and why strangle and collar trades (essentially trades that go well whichever direction a stock goes) are so popular around earnings time. If you're new to the concept of trading (or even to considering trading for yourself), even trading during non-earnings season can be daunting. It's your money on the line, after all. However: is it not also your money in that mutual fund that's likely barely pacing the market? The handwave of that kind of performance due to it being the professionals doesn't really go that far, either. If it's the professionals, why isn't it doing at least 3% growth every month instead of every year? That may seem like a small number, but do remember that investment accounts tend to be for the long haul (up to decades). That 3% this month may only be $20 this month, but if the funds are kept in the account, that same $20 will get added to the previous balance every month. Within years, 3% becomes living income every month. If that sounds like your jam, this episode is just for you.
Direct download: TJ144EarningsAndBecomingATrader.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:28pm PST
Sat, 9 April 2016
  Join Tim as he interviews guest star Christian Sisson about his growing up in Brazil and the path he took to being a trader. Start With Why by Simon Sinek focuses on, appropriately enough, why people do what they do through story and historical example. Oftentimes, companies and people can instead focus on the what instead of the why. Apple is an excellent example of this principle. Other companies marketing MP3 players tend to just focus on features and size (It's a 5GB music player), while Apple focuses on the why for someone would even want an MP3 player (1000 songs in your pocket!). The appeal of Apple's approach is how they frame the why of owning an MP3 player right into their pitch. On a smaller scale, compare these two hypothetical employees. "I'm working this job to pay the bills," is a weak why, and really more of a what you're doing. Compare that to "I'm working this job to learn skills and improve my situation, and it also happens to pay the bills," which contains a motivation outside of simple fiscal gain.  --- Trading Justice is providing this site and any related materials (including newsletters, blog post, videos, social media and other communications) for educational purposes only. We are not providing legal, accounting, or financial advisory services, and this is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any stocks, options, or other financial instruments or investments. Examples that address specific assets, stocks, options or other financial instrument transactions are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent specific trades or transactions that we have conducted. In fact, we may use examples that are different or the opposite of transactions we have conducted or positions we hold. This site and any information or training therein is also not intended as a solicitation for any future relationship, business or othe  Join Tim as he interviews guest star Christian Sisson about his growing up in Brazil and the path he took to being a trader. Christian has always had a free spirit, which didn't bode as well for him growing up. His father was in the military, and hoped for Christian to walk the typical regimented professional path...
Direct download: TJ143ChristianSissonAndOrganization.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Mon, 4 April 2016
  Join Tim, Matt, and Book Club host Garrett Holden as they discuss Simon Sinek's Start With Why in this episode of Trading Justice. Start With Why by Simon Sinek focuses on, appropriately enough, why people do what they do through story and historical example. Oftentimes, companies and people can instead focus on the what instead of the why. Apple is an excellent example of this principle. Other companies marketing MP3 players tend to just focus on features and size (It's a 5GB music player), while Apple focuses on the why for someone would even want an MP3 player (1000 songs in your pocket!). The appeal of Apple's approach is how they frame the why of owning an MP3 player right into their pitch. On a smaller scale, compare these two hypothetical employees. "I'm working this job to pay the bills," is a weak why, and really more of a what you're doing. Compare that to "I'm working this job to learn skills and improve my situation, and it also happens to pay the bills," which contains a motivation outside of simple fiscal gain. Sinek expounds on this premise through real-world and historical examples including Apple, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others to convey that finding your own why (and working toward it tirelessly), the most important drive for your success. Fight for your why. LINKS Trading Justice Book Club Site Simon Sinek's TED Talk: Tim's trading journey:
Direct download: TJ142BookClubStartWithWhy.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 6:08pm PST
Tue, 29 March 2016
  The US is in the enviable position of possessing the world's reserve currency: the US Dollar. As the reserve currency, much of international trade is performed in US dollars; particularly oil sales. This is where the term petrodollar originates. With reserve currency status, the US can do things other nations can't, from printing money to pay off debts (if it wished to) to growing GDP by exporting debt to other countries. Other countries that try such tactics tend to end up with hyperinflation and currency collapse, such as Zimbabwe in the late 90s through the Aughts. Even with reserve status, though, such strategy isn't without risk. An economy can be grown only so far through debt, and interest rates staying at record lows for the better part of a decade had delitritous effects on consumer access to debt from banks. How did the US get its reserve currency status, and what is its future with developments such as the Yuan entering the IMF basket of currencies? Join Tim, Matt, and special guest Jeff Crystal as they continue their discussion of central banks and reserve currency in this episode of Trading Justice.
Direct download: TJ141CentralBanksWithJeffCrystalPt2.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:21pm PST
Wed, 16 March 2016
  The FOMC meets this week to determine the interest rate for the US and whether it'll hold to the movements from December. The market puts the movement at virtually zero, while actually backtracking and lowering the rate back down has about a 3% chance. With The Central European Bank declaring a continuation of quantitative easing last week, the world is watching and hoping that the Fed will hold off on raising rates a bit longer due to the general malaise that's currently lingering over markets from the US to China. Despite how serious this (and any Fed) meeting is, it's likely that the average American doesn't really know about it, the meeting's implications, or even care too much about the outcome more than whether he or she will be able to afford a little extra discretionary spending and saving. With the role the Fed takes in the economy, general trading principles, the importance of credit score, and other key financial knowhow not being taught in the school system, it's not too surprising, unfortunately. That lack of education can come to bite you if you don't take the time to educate yourself on how to secure your own financial freedom. Even something as simple as trading into other currencies as a hedge against inflation and other systemic risks can improve one's financial safety. ...and done right with training, you can even make money doing it. Join Matt and Tim for a discussion of economics, politics, and more.
Direct download: TJ140EconomicsAndPolitics.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:58am PST
Tue, 8 March 2016
  Implementing options trading as part of your portfolio offers more than just consistent returns through cash flow and compound interest. With proper positioning and timing, writing options against securities in your portfolio can help protect you against a volatile market, as well. It's really a win-win for your portfolio. If the sold option expires worthless, that's cash flow in the bank. However, if you position the option properly and get assigned, you exit a security that would have had an adverse effect on your portfolio had you maintained the position. Yes, you're out the position, but if you were iffy enough to write an option against it for the express purpose of protection, you're ahead in the game. Remember, you can always re-enter that security later if its chart start improving. The old adage applies here, too: the trend is your friend. Do note that timing is important in utilizing portfolio insurance. If you write the insurance covered call while volatility is low, you won't get much of a premium for its sale, and it's likely just a normal covered call that will generate cash flow for you. However, if you wait until the security is already careening in a direction you didn't want it to, it's likely too late to completely salvage the position. It's a simple matter of paying attention to what's in your portfolio and acting accordingly when the time is right. Join the coaches as they discuss the importance of portfolio insurance, the latest news in the markets, and more.
Direct download: TJ139PortfolioInsurance.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:00pm PST
Mon, 7 March 2016
  Trading anything is never without risk, but some positions can be riskier than others. Options, for example. In the hands of an untrained novice, poorly trading options can lead to the complete implosion of a portfolio over a short period of time. However, with the right training and practice, options can instead become a low-risk cash flow generating part of a portfolio. So it was for Marius as he began his trading career. Most of the traders in his area (Romania) primarily traded forex and stayed away from options due to the perceived risks present. For those particular traders, that hightened risk was likely legitimate as they had no training on it. Marius, however, was undeterred and began researching various coaches and shows until he hit upon a mentor program through Andy Tanner. In this program, Marius eventually met Noah Davidson and learned about the intricacies of options trading, along with all their potential use in a portfolio: simple cash flow, insurance for a portfolio, and more. Marius even started giving back to the community with the creation of a variety of options calculating spreadsheets for his peers to utilize in trading. Join us as Tim interviews Marius Posogan about learning options trading, the importance of creativity to any pursuit, and more.
Direct download: TJ138CreativityWithMariusPosogan.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:44pm PST
Tue, 1 March 2016
  What is a central bank? Originally, they were created to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. Do it still do that, though? According to the FOMC's website, its duties now include: - conducting the nation's monetary policy by influencing the monetary and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates
- supervising and regulating banking institutions to ensure the safety and soundness of the nation's banking and financial system and to protect the credit rights of consumers
- maintaining the stability of the financial system and containing systemic risk that may arise in financial markets
- providing financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating the nation's payments system
The bank still does determine interest rate and monetary policy for the US (and other countries for their respective central banks), but the US banks also have an extra wrinkle as compared to other countries. While a majority of the Fed is staffed by presidential appointees (seven seats, in fact), there are indeed five seats that belong to private banks as part of the agreement with these banks to purchase shares in the Federal Reserve system. These shares can't be sold, but they do pay out interest to their holders to the tune of about 2 Billion a year (with the other roughly 88 Billion going directly into the US Treasury). How does that work, exactly? Why was the FOMC created this way? Join us for the latest Trading Justice podcast wherein Matt and guest Jeff Crystal talk central bank history and policy.
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:00pm PST
Mon, 29 February 2016
  When the market is bullish, securities generally do well regardless of what they are. Utilities? Sure. Oil? Yep. Tech? Buy it all! It's akin to the old expression of a rising tide raises all ships. Sure, there will always be losers. A company may have an off day from a lukewarm product launch or suffer a recall scandal, but when the bulls run, money flows with a greater tolerance for risk. Losses just seem easier to make up Should the bears wander into the market from their forested home, though, the picture turns less rosy. Sector and industry start to play a larger factor in safer trading. Tech becomes specious unless the company is established. Retail becomes more acutely sensitive to consumer confidence. So where does the investment end up? In what are called safe instruments, most commonly. This flight to safety occurs when investors get jittery about the short to midterm future prospects in the market. Just what are considered safe instruments? Bonds used to be the top of the list, but interest rates have hurt them lately. You'll typically see precious metals fare better along with conservative sectors such as utilities, basic necessities (basic housewares & food, healthcare, etc) see a surge in activity. If the market gets too crazy for some folks, they'll outright convert into cash and wait the storm out. Are you considering a flight to safety? Join Matt and guest Keith King as they talk about currencies, commodity trading, and flights to safety in trading.
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:00pm PST
Wed, 24 February 2016
Direct download: TJ135TradingHistoryKeithKing.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:58pm PST
Tue, 23 February 2016
Direct download: TJ134TeachingAndTylerCraig.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:38pm PST
Tue, 16 February 2016
  Fear is a motivator, and there are two responses it creates: action or inaction. Action, in attempting to overcome the fear; or inaction, in not knowing what to do, being overwhelmed, or simply trying to avoid the object of the fear. When it comes to finance, curiously, many default to inaction as the default response and pass along the burden of action to those "who know what to do": mutual fund managers and the like. Thing is, mutual funds don't adapt well to tumultuous markets, and are often aggressively bullish regardless of market conditions. This causes the fund to lose value, and folks who've passed the responsibility to the fund managers take the hit. That doesn't have to be the case, though. Educating yourself about the markets and investing can allow you to manage your own finances. Even simple strategies such as covered calls to generate cash flow can have a marked effect on your portfolio and possibly even your checking account. It is absolutely doable, but it does require action on your part. As with any pursuit, it can be overwhelming at first; there's lots of jargon and terminology, and it's your money on the line. To the first point, the terminology is there, but it can be learned. As to the second point, how is that any different than passing your funds along to a mutual fund that will likely not beat the market in performance? It's all about taking that first step for yourself. It can be daunting, but it's worth it; because you're worth it. Further, you don't have to take that step alone. There's this popular misconception that it's dog eat dog in terms of the markets, and everyone's out for themselves. At the institutional level with Fidelity and such, sure. At the individual trader level, though? Not at all! Folks help each other all the time. The market is so mind-bogglingly huge, and everyone's portfolios are so vastly different, that folks assisting each other in trading just makes trading better. Get involved with a trading community (such as the one on Tackle Trading) as you take that first step, and you'll realize it's not as daunting as you first thought. In this episode, Tim and Matt discuss stepping out from the shadow of fear in handling your own finances as well as the current state of the interest rates for the FOMC, BOJ, and CEB.
Direct download: TJ133TheEconomyAndTradingForYourself.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:11pm PST
Mon, 15 February 2016
Direct download: TJ132SolonAndEducation.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:46pm PST
Tue, 9 February 2016
  Those new to trading can find uncertain markets between bull and bear markets daunting. Prices can fluctuate more than usual from day to day, and the volatility in the market increases the difficulty of wringing risk out of trades. Even a reasonably balanced portfolio can run into trouble when the markets get overly jittery. However, it's not impossible to protect your portfolio with trade insurance: options trading. Selling well-placed options on owned stocks can generate cash flow even if a stock is going sideways or even downward. The real kicker? Options selling does better during periods of high volatility. That's not to say you should start clicking all crazy-like in the option chain tab of your brokerage software, though. Like all trading, risk is still involved. There is a right way and a wrong way to trade options, and if you do it wrong (particularly with unprotected, or naked, options), the risk of a given trade increases, as do the odds of imploding your portfolio. With practice and training, options trading can be a consistent cash flow strategy even in uncertain markets. In this episode, Matt & Tim are joined by serial entrepreneur and trader Rance Masheck to discuss trading in uncertain markets both past and present, and Rance's wending path of financial entrepreneurship that lead him to founding the iVest trading platform. AND! Courtesy of Rance, you can check out the iVest trading platform for yourself with a special offer for Trading Justice fans. Just follow this link and fill out the form to get access to iVest.
Direct download: TJ131RanceMasheckAndUncertainMarkets.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:22am PST
Tue, 2 February 2016
  Finding good trades can be a bit challenging even during bull markets. When the bears start lurking back into the market, though, it can feel even harder to do since it seems like everything is going down. Well, there are always winners, even in down markets, and directional trading doesn't care whether it's a bull or bear market at all. It's all about strategy and having a good set of parameters when seeking out new stocks. Of course, different stocks work well for different strategies. Day-to-day movements don't matter as much to investment traders like Warren Buffett, and long-term performance of a stock doesn't overly matter for a day trader. That's not to say, though, that you should ignore the analysis that isn't typically used for your type of trading (fundamental for investing, technical for day trading). Using both in tandem regardless of strategy will help you find winners regardless of what the market's up to. In this episode, Coach Matt is joined by Coach Noah to discuss how to find trades, what the different sectors are up to, and even to delve into what negative interest rate is all about.
Direct download: TJ130FindingTradeswithNoah.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:37am PST
Tue, 26 January 2016
  Both Emily Muiruri and Rosemary Kioko came to the US from Kenya in 1993, and started in real estate. This lasted until the summer of 2014 when Emily lost her job and decided to take the summer off. At the end of her sabattical, she and Rosemary decided to attend a Legacy Education class on stock market investing, and they both fell in love with the concept of trading. Since then, they've formed a Women Investing club (currently at 10 members) to help each other learn and make better trades together, and they've also both continued their trading education with more classes and mentorships. It hasn't always been the smoothest road, but both Rosemary and Emily have stuck with it, and they continue to become better traders for it. In this episode, Tim invites two special traders to join him on the Trading Justice Podcast: Emily Muiruri and Rosemary Kioko. They're the founding members of the Women in Trading club, and they discuss with Tim their passions, their journey, and have fun doing it.
Direct download: TJ128WomenInTrading.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:41pm PST
Tue, 12 January 2016
The markets haven’t been to kind so far this year; what with a dropping S&P, sinking oil, and general economic slowdown. This isn’t really new, though. Several indicators are pointing toward a recession: lower revenues & earnings have happened for the past several quarters, lower economic reports, crawling to shrinking GDP. By those metrics, five Continue Reading »
Direct download: TJ127MendenhalOvercomingFear.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 6:18pm PST
Thu, 7 January 2016
  Trading without systems in place is possible at any skill level. Just seek out trades that have good fundamentals and technicals and place the trade. However, you can lose a lot of time and even negatively affect your portfolio if you're not careful. Even if a security has great fundamentals and technicals, is it right for you? This is where a system can come in handy and save you serious time and heartache. The most basic system is a set of trading rules you make for yourself regarding probability, ROI, your tolerance for risk, and other factors. This makes assessing a potential new trade super easy. Does it fit your rules? If so, great! Place the trade and move on. If not, excellent; you saved yourself the pain of making a bad trade. A step beyond simple trading rules are actual trading systems, such as Theta Fade by Steve Huang. A system takes generalized rules and sharpens them to the point that the rules become super focused. In Theta Fade's case, the rules focus on trading options once a week, on Friday. May not sound like much, but said system was a big part of Steve Huang being placed into the Rich Dad Hall of Fame. In this episode, Tim is joined by Kevin O' Banion to discuss Kevin's journey as a trader and offer an insight to how Steve Huang developed his own trading system.
Direct download: TJ126KevinOBanion.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:00am PST
Wed, 6 January 2016
  All four coaches from Tackle Trading are here for this special episode of the Trading Justice podcast as they go over the latest news in the markets and share the details of the new & improved Tackle 25! Among what's covered: The S&P's reaction to China on Monday and Tuesday, Volatility coming into the new year, The underlying issue with China's Monday drop, What China's goal is with printing more currency, How China's market being relatively new is impacting trading, The current strength of the US dollar, A strengthening JPY and what it could mean, What the EUR/USD pair is currently up to, Oil's behavior in the current environment, The purpose of the Tackle 25 and how to make it work for you, How covered calls off the Tackle 25 can help create cash flow, What ROID is and how it works, Possible portfolio balancing when making covered calls, ...and more!
Direct download: TJ125TheTackle25.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:09am PST
Mon, 4 January 2016
  2016 has already gotten off to a dramatic start with the Shanghai market dropping 7% and the rest of the world following suit in a mass selloff. The world economy isn't in the best shape. Markets are showing signs of impending recession around the world, from emerging markets such as Brazil and China to developed markets including Europe and the US. The bull market, should it continue, would be entering its seventh year... quite venerable as far as bull runs go. With this backdrop, Matt, Tim, and Gino discuss what they expect in 2016. On the front of interest rate hikes, the Fed is stating they're aiming for 1.5% after four more raises through the year. The market expects maybe 1% from two total raises this year. The US dollar, directly impacted by interest rate hikes, is generally expected to pass 100 this year. By how much is uncertain, but the USD has a history of making major runs should resistance points be broken, and 100 is a major resistance point. The strengthening dollar is also expected to play a part in the euro and dollar coming to parity some time this year when coupled with the EU's continuing QE policy. Dovetailing the USD, oil (and other commodities such as gold) will likely continue to be hammered when viewed in conjunction with record oversupply, declining demand, Iran coming online later this year, and OPEC still keeping the pumps flowing until at least June. Time will tell how far oil may fall until it starts rallying again. The Brothers Justice are joined by fund manager Gino Poore as they share their predictions for 2016 on all market fronts, from forex & interest rate to commodities and any major news they each expect. AND! Tackle Trading has a special offer: enter the code THETA upon checkout at Tackle Trading for a free 15-day trial of Pro membership at Tackle Trading!
Direct download: TJ124PredictionsFor2016.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:07pm PST