Trading Justice

In this episode, we decided to spend some time reminiscing. It's our 400th episode!  And, through the years, we've had incredible experiences, guests, conversations and the best audience in the business. During our feature, we talk about all of the things we're grateful for and tell stories about our favorite guests and what we love about doing this podcast. 

Before that, Mark and Tim analyze the current state of the market's during our Skyline. Stocks were up again on Monday, for the 3rd Monday in a row. There is another story about the coronavirus vaccine, and the progress being made.  Astrazeneca released some of their trial results, and it's becoming more apparent that the world will have a functioning vaccine in early 2021. We analyze the market response as well as the continued theme regarding sector rotation that has been in play for 3 weeks now.

Lastly, Coach Mark has a game called 'closest to the hole' where we guess random bits of trivia. 

To all of our listeners, we want to tell you, thank you.  We appreciate you more than you can know, and at this time of year, we have a nice reminder to express our gratitude to the people that matter. 

Direct download: Trading_Justice_400_Showing_Gratitude.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:38pm PST

In this episode, we welcome Coach Tyler Craig back to the podcast to discuss the topic on this month's newsletter regarding beta weighting your delta. As you're trading and investing, your portfolio will change over time as you add or subtract positions and as those positions build profit or losses.  Measuring your portfolio delta through beta weighting can give you the information you need to understand your risk in your portfolio. Listen in as Tim and Tyler discuss the value, mechanics and purpose of beta weighting your portfolio delta.

Before that, Matt, Mark, Tim and Tyler discuss the recent market action during the skyline.  Stocks are starting this week on a bullish note again, and for the second week in a row we have a positive story regarding one of the Covid-19 vaccine trials.  Moderna released data on Monday that investors cheered regarding their trial. We're seeing strength in sectors like Industrials, Materials and Energy recently.  We discuss all of the news of the week and how we're interpreting it during this weekly segment.

Lastly, Coach Matt has a game for Mark, Tim, and Tyler where they guess which video game titles were released by which video game companies.  Do you know who made some of the most popular games out there today?

1:44 Market Skyline

42:10 Tyler Craig

1:07:30 Game on Game

Direct download: Trading_Justice_399_Beta_Weighted_Delta.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm PST

In this episode, Matt, Tim and Mark discuss the themes that are developing after the US elections last week. Before the election, investors were focused on what the results would be and the market response to it.  Now that the election has happened, the market turned bullish very quickly, and now the conversation has changed for market participants.  During the feature presentation, we discuss the new themes that are emerging from our perspective, and Coach Matt details how he sees these themes playing out over the next few months and through the next few years.

Before that, we analyze the current market conditions during our Skyline.  Stocks gapped higher on Monday after Pfizer announced some recent data regarding their vaccine trial.  Stay at home stocks like Peloton and Zoom shot lower, while re-opening stocks like airlines, cruise lines, restaurants and others shot higher.  We discuss the current conditions and how we're reading the action during this weekly segment.

In our last segment, we review some of the election predictions from last week's show and discuss what the team got right and wrong in their predictions.

2:16 Market Skyline

42:30 Market Themes

1:38:55 Election predictions Recap

Direct download: Trading_Justice_398_Post_Election_Market_Themes.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm PST

This week in episode 397 of the Trading Justice podcast we go deep into this week’s election with a series of predictions regarding the upcoming election. First, in the Market Skyline, Coach Matt and Mark are joined by Tackle Trading coaches Noah Davidson and Cody Maki to discuss the market risk in the short-term if there is a contested election. Needless to say, the coaches are not too keen on the short-term market if there is a drawn-out contested election. Coach Matt also asks each of the coaches to analyze what specific combinations of election outcomes (Biden/Republican Senate, Trump/Republican Senate, Biden/Democratic Senate, Trump/Democratic Senate) would mean for the market over the next six months. There is so diverse and great insight in this section.
In the next segment, the coaches make a series of election predictions on who is going to win. The answers range from a Trump landslide to a significant Biden victory. All the coaches give deep analysis in their reasoning. This good-natured debate was incredibly fun even with such wide-ranging opinions. Who will be right in their predictions? Well as predication podcasts go probably Kayne West!
Have a great week and we hope you enjoy this special edition of the Trading Justice podcast!

Direct download: Trading_Justice_397_Election_Predictions.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:17pm PST