Wed, 30 December 2015
  It's always good to reflect on happenings past, with the end of the year being a good time to do so for many people. Matt and Tim do just that in the latest episode of Trading Justice. Matt lead with the Fed starting its program of normalizing interest rates and the implications that will have on the market moving into 2016, while Tim split his top pick between August's flash crash and the Yuan being added to the SDR. Tim chose another major event that left the world stunned in mid-January:s the Swiss Franc de-pegging to the Euro, wrecking countless businesses overnight and playing havoc on forex trading. Dovetailing the uncertainty, Matt listed all things China, from its stock market intervention to its ongoing recession and the impact it's having on the world. Coming in at number three for both Tim and Matt was the drop in price of crude oil. Unrestrained pumping by OPEC countries to attempt to drive out frackers, Iran about to come back into the international market, and a global slowdown in demand have all lead to a market glut that will likely not clear out through much of 2016. With interest rates still at record lows earlier this year, many businesses, including names like Apple, took advantage of cheap loans to buy back shares from the public, consolidating ownership for these companies back inward. Both Matt and Tim highlighed this, with Matt at number four and Tim at number five. Tim's fourth biggest news story of the year was the European Central Bank announcing its own QE program. With markets slowing down worldwide earlier this year (and Greece taking center stage at the time), Draghi announced a $1 trillion Euro QE program in an attempt to stimulate the Eurozone's economy. Massive valuations for tech companies are the order of the day, much as they were in 1999 - 2000. With companies like uber weighing in at over $1 billion(US) in valuation by private equity firms, it feels reminiscent of the previous tech bubbles in the past. Whether those valuations will actually carry over into the IPO for these companies (particularly for lawsuit targets like uber), remains to be seen. Matt pegs this impending bubble at number five for the year. The Brothers Justice take a look at their respective top five major news events for the year and went back to check on predictions made back in 2014. Matt They're also joined by mentor student Nicholas Kingsbury to discuss trading. Matt's Top News Stories for 2015 - Fed Lift Off with Interest Rates
- All things China
- Commodities especially Oil slaughter
- M&A / Stock Buy back activity
- Tech Bubble 2.9
Tim's Top News Stories for 2015 - Flash Crash / Yuan SDR
- CHF de-pegging to EUR
- Crude Oil slide
- European QE
- M&A Activity
Direct download: TJ123RecapOf2015.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:30pm PST
Tue, 22 December 2015
  When learning martial arts, you don't start with training the body. You start with training the mind. A recent student of Tim's shared this insight at one of his classes, and the insight applies just as much to trading as martial arts. You need the right mindset and and attitude or you're setting yourself up for failure. A stereotypical view of the market is that it's a place where you can make money hand over fist with little to no effort. Trading from that mentality is akin to begging industry professionals to take your money, though. Big plays can happen occasionally, but they are far from common, and not actively pursued by veteran traders. Trading is about taking the long view with your account and utilizing those two magical words: compound interest. If, instead of trying to go after one big multithousand dollar payday (which doesn't really exist), you simply trade for a 3% return on your investments, over time you can be making multithousand dollar trades as a matter of course if you reinvest your earnings back into the market every month. We're not talking just a year or two, either; we're talking over a decade or two. It takes hard work, discipline, and patience, but it is absolutely doable. In this episode, Matt and Tim talk about the importance of mindset when approaching trading.
Direct download: TJ122ImportanceOfMindset.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:26pm PST
Tue, 15 December 2015
With the impending announcement on Wednesday of a potential interest rate increase for the first time in over seven years, there’s a lot of talk about the effects it may have on the market. What about the central bank itself? What is it exactly? …and when did it come about? Does a country even really Continue Reading »
Direct download: TJ121HistoryOfTheFed.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:16am PST
Wed, 25 November 2015
Direct download: TJ120MentorsandMindsets.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:54pm PST
Tue, 17 November 2015
Direct download: TJ119JimFrancisCreditSpreadsFINAL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:45am PST
Tue, 10 November 2015
  To say the market's been acting a bit strangely this year would be an understatement. Surging bulls on bad economic data, bears on improving economic data... it's a bit crazy. Looking past the surface action, though, reveals that this year's movements indicate a standoff of sorts between the markets and the Fed. With interest rates at zero, the market has been able to continue its run unimpeded. Any possible mention of interest rate hikes have been challenged by Wall Street with surges after said possible hikes haven't happened. With a robust jobs report last Friday, and non-farm payrolls up as well, there's stronger talk for actually raising interest rates in December, after all. In this episode, Tim and Matt discuss the S&P's recent run since Black Monday and what's been fueling it. They also cover why there wasn't a breakout and how to spot when the market may fadeout instead of breakout. The Fed's talk of raising interest rates, what impact that may have, and its likelihood are also covered today. Lastly, Tim and Matt take a look at how their NFL picks are doing so far this year, and one of the Justice brothers is doing rather well...
Direct download: TJ118FadingMarketsandNFL.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:51pm PST
Tue, 27 October 2015
  Time management is increasingly important in modern society. Utilizing your time efficiently can mean the difference between having the ability to start your own business on the side and feeling like you're always half a step behind as you watch the latest episode of a cooking reality show. Like any other skill, it can be learned with practice. If you notice you're vegitating in front of the TV while you do have energy for something else, get up and do something else. It doesn't have to be entrepreneurial related to start, either. Go for a walk or meet up with a friend and talk about what you'd love to do instead of your nine to five. As the habit builds, turn it toward taking the steps to build your ideal business bit by bit. You'll also find you have more time than you realized in other areas, too: sleeping in that half hour on the weekend, during commutes (listening to podcasts and news related to your goal on the ride); the list goes on. Taking control of your financial future bit by bit will continue to be important as time goes by, as well. Inflation is being actively sought out by central banks while wages remain stagnant. Interest rates on bonds, a former safe & secure way to earn money just by saving, is at historic lows with no change coming in the foreseeable future. Instead of waiting for that raise to come to you, seek it out and get it for yourself. In this episode, Tim and Matt discuss the importance of managing your time (and money by investing) to move to a place of independence. They also cover this week's upcoming Fed meeting and the possibility of an interest rate hike & Draghi's speech at the European Central Bank last week.
Direct download: TJ117TimeManagementInterest.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:11pm PST
Tue, 6 October 2015
  In this episode, Tim, Matt, Gino, Noah, and Dean Beckette hold a fantasy stock pick draft league with a set of stocks picked out by Producer Phil. Tell us who you think came out on top in the comments! Noah - Covered calls & dividends strategy VZ, D, KR, DUK, PCG, GIS, QCOM, ADM, KEY, SHLD Tim - Consistent, longstanding industries and theme of picks UNP, DOW, DD, NSC, RGLD, CSX, GG, KING, SNEJF, M Dean - Cinderella underdog picks JWN, GOLD, EA, KSU, PX, NTDOY, JCP, REGEN, SEE, BMRN Matt - Low P/E ratios and good diversification ATVI, T, CNI, CPB, AEM, TXN, CAG, FSLR, VRTX, FITB Gino - Got six of the 10 he wanted from his screener analysis beforehand SWKS, MDVN, SJM, CELG, CFG, FNV, APD, ALTR, RF, MTB
Direct download: TJ116StockPick.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:11pm PST
Tue, 29 September 2015
Direct download: TJ115BearMarket.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:03pm PST
Thu, 24 September 2015
  Andrew Sather is a co-founder of the Money Tree Investing podcast and the creator of the value trap indicator to aid in trading without emotion. He knows that trading emotionally is dangerous; you'll likely go after risky trades and positions you might not otherwise. Setting your own trading rules and indicators like Andrew's above and following them is crucial when trading. The benefit is two fold: they automate finding trades to a degree, and protect you from trading emotionally. When scanning for new trades, you've already done the heavy thinking by creating your rules. Compare the position you're interested in trading and if it fits, great; place the trade. If not, move on without a second thought. The second benefit can save your account from suffering painful drawdowns. When trading without a ruleset and indicators to guide you, upswings and downswings can get to you. After closing big winning trades, you'll start to feel invincible and start chasing big payoff trades that are a lot riskier than you normally would. On the flip side of the coin, if you've suffered a few drawdowns in a row, you'll start wanting to make up all your losses in one or two big trades to end the day up or at least neutral. Odds are in both of those scenarios, you lose and have a drawdown for not following your trading rules. In this episode, Tim and Phil talk with Andrew about trading around the twin motivators of the market - fear and greed - and capitalizing on opportunities you may otherwise miss out on were those motivators to be dominant in your trading.
Direct download: TJ114AndrewSather.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:19pm PST
Fri, 18 September 2015
  Doug and Suzanne Belnap first got involved with trading after Doug retired in 2010. Over the following three years, they took several trading courses two mentorships. Ultimately, they committed to creating a cash-flow trading business and together they formed a General Partnership in 2010. They funded two separate trading accounts, and we traded our own accounts. Doug had been a long term investor and self-directed all of their IRA's and 401K retirement accounts, but never really traded; while Suzanne had little to no experience or knowledge about the financial markets before taking the trading classes they did. In 2012, they met with another mentor that offered to teach complex options trading, which Doug and Suzanne met only mild success. During this same time, though, the duo had been practicing with Russell 2000 futures, and found they were really good at it. After some discussion, Doug and Suzanne decided to switch completely to Russell 2000 and haven't looked back. In this episode, Tim talks with Doug and Suzanne about their trading journey and the importance of finding a strategy that works for yourself both strategy-wise and lifestyle-wise.
Direct download: TJ113DougBelknap.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:28pm PST
Wed, 16 September 2015
  Caleb Light knows his stuff when it comes to finance, and he was able to show his stuff when he countered Mark Cuban's offer on Shark Tank with an options buy-in that wouldn't dilute his other shareholders' position. One of the founding members of Power Practical, Caleb Light is an outdoorsman from Billings, Montana that saw the potential of the Power Pot in the outdoor market and jumped at the chance to help. Today, the Power Pot is sold in 14 different countries, with shelf space in stores like REI, Cabela's, and more. The FOMC, though, doesn't care much about the outdoor space; focusing more on whether the US economy is sturdy enough to merit an interest rate increase. Economists put it at about a 50% chance, while the market is anticipating a 25% chance of a rate hike. As usual, though, there are no hints whatsoever from the Fed, so the markets are responding this week with a wait and see attitude ahead of Thursday's announcement. In this cram-packed episode, guest Caleb Light shares his insights and experiences of helping create and grow Power Practical along with his experiences on Shark Tank, while Matt and Tim discuss the upcoming FOMC meeting on Thursday. Lastly, the brothers Justice share their NFL picks for the '15/'16 season. MATT'S PICKS AFC North: Ravens AFC South: Colts AFC West: Broncos AFC East: Dolphins Wild Cards: Patriots Chiefs NFC North: Packers NFC East: Cowboys NFC South: Falcons NFC West: Hawks Wild Cards: Rams Eagles Superbowl: NFC Packers AFC: Dolphins Packers take it all TIM'S PICKS AFC North: Bengals AFC South: Colts AFC West: Chiefs AFC East: Patriots Wild Cards: Steelers Broncos NFC North: Bears 5-6 games winning at most NFC East: Eagles NFC South: Panthers NFC West: Cardinals Wild Cards: Packers Seahawks Superbowl: NFC: Cardinals AFC: Colts Colts take it all
Direct download: TJ112CalebLight.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:45pm PST
Thu, 10 September 2015
  Greg Holmes first met Tim in the spring earlier this year for mentoring after flying down from in Corunna, Canada. Before getting into trading, Greg was electrician by trade for 20 years who let his money sit in mutual funds and a 401K. A friend got in with a financial firm and introduced Greg to various trading strategies, and it hooked him in a big way. Greg got certified with a few financial licenses, even becoming a certified financial adviser, and worked for a few mutual funds. Even during that time, he kept taking trading classes and seeking out mentors as he found out that trading for yourself is the best way to handle your finances if you know how to do it. His first trade was just before the sub-prime meltdown of '07/'08, when Greg only knew a few basic strategies. As the meltdown unfolded, it initially appeared Greg's limited knowledge and basic strategies weren't enough for him to make headway with his trading account. However, due to Greg being a defensive trader by nature, he structured his portfolio in such a way that he came out ahead in the long run. This defensive-based trading strategy was refined further by Greg over the following five years, and it's now a solid system called Dividend Fireworks. The general idea is structuring the portfolio's foundation defensively, then going after cash flow through dividend-bearing stocks and options trading. Even as defensive-minded as Greg is, training and good mentors helped him get there, and he's eager to give back to other traders just entering the fray. In this episode of Trading Justice, Tim and Greg Holmes discuss Greg's journey to becoming a trader (including his start during the subprime crises) and mentoring. ...and if you're a Tackle Trading Rookie or Pro member, you'll get a chance to see Greg Holmes' system up close on September 17 at 7 PM EST during the September Cash Flow Club!
Direct download: TJ111GregHolmesMentor.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:46pm PST
Wed, 9 September 2015
Direct download: TJ110QuietMarket.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:33pm PST
Thu, 3 September 2015
Direct download: TJ109EmilyMuiruri.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:10pm PST
Wed, 26 August 2015
Mon, 24 August 2015
Direct download: TJ107BlackMonday.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:15pm PST
Thu, 20 August 2015
Direct download: TJ106ThetaFadeStudents.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 18 August 2015
Direct download: TJ105CrystalHan.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:33pm PST
Fri, 14 August 2015
Direct download: TJ104RichardDo.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Thu, 13 August 2015
Direct download: TJ103ChineseYuan_More.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Wed, 12 August 2015
Direct download: TJ102JeremyReese.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Wed, 5 August 2015
  Tim Cooley, the CEO of Random Breakfast, believes in learning from failure. Failure can teach you a lot, provided you're paying attention. ...and depending on the situation, it can even make you more eager to get back into the game once enough time has passed. In trading, failure is a risk every time an order is placed. Whether it's a small drawdown or a blown up account, there is a lesson to learn: entry time, position size, and more. ...and even with blown up accounts, you can dust yourself off, get up, and get back at it once you're ready. Just be sure you learned what caused the account to go down in the first place. There are safer ways to fail in trading: paper or virtual trading. A unique aspect of trading as compared to other businesses is that you can practice a strategy before you implement it with a virtual account. If the paper account blows up, the only thing lost is time. Even then, though, provided you learn from the dead account, it wasn't time wasted, either. Join us in listening to Tim's story and his take on perseverance. --- Also, here's the link to Simon Sinek's TED Talks:
Direct download: TJ101TimCooley.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 28 July 2015
  Tim and Matt are joined by Steve Huang, Dean Beckette, Robert Shannon, Noah Davidson, and Gino Poore in this special three hour (!) episode. The brothers Justice revisit previous episode highlights, how the guests have each progressed since their previous appearances, and where the Trading Justice podcast is going in the next 100 episodes. A special thanks to our listeners helping us get to 100 episodes of the podcast. We do this for you, and have plans to keep making it even better through the next 100 episodes!
Direct download: TJ100.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:08pm PST
Mon, 20 July 2015
  One issue facing the American public is a difficulty in discussion of political ideas. The cause of this can vary from person to person, but can largely be brought down to a few key reasons. Among the forefront is radicalized folks on either side tend to be the loudest and draw the most attention. This has the problem of casting even the moderates of a particular affiliation in a harsher light than is fair. Following this, folks don't want to be in a political conversation with someone out of not wanting to interact with a radical, even if the other person actually isn't. Another contender for this is the fear of offending others or being offended or dismissed themselves. This feeds off of the previous point, as radicals tend to hold fringe views that aren't appealing to even that person's party, and again, paint the rest of the party in that negative light. Language choice can matter greatly on this, as well. It's a fine point, but dismissive and arrogant language can make it difficult to hold a meaningful conversation and have a frank exchange of ideas, too. That's not holding offensive ideas; that's just being offensive as a person.
Direct download: TJ99MikeKleinhenz.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Thu, 16 July 2015
  Brad May started his trading career by virtual trading for somebody else for a year or two and reporting the results to his employer. Over the course of his tenure he was given a free hand in some instances to try out different strategies, including around earnings time. Brad found the volatility spike and rapid drop around earnings time particularly fascinating. Beyond obvious good or bad news, what caused earnings for one company to spike its price while dropping another? The answer was in the charts. Over time, Brad formulated a successful strategy to trade during earnings provided a given company fit into his formula.
Direct download: TJ98BradMayEarnings.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Mon, 6 July 2015
  Greece made its opinion of the ECB's offered deals on its debt known on July 5 with a resounding vote against accepting the austerity measures. Solon Stephanou, a Greek himself and a student of political science, is well-versed in the challenges facing Greece since it started using the euro. Among other factors, key contributors to Greece's economic crisis (and its inability to recover) include: - Increasingly loans for both internal expansion and to build stadiums for the 2004 Athens Olympics,
- An economy that wasn't close to being as advanced as countries such as Germany or Belgium,
- Social programs the country can't afford,
- Lack of control of its monetary policy,
- ...and interest payments that leave little to stimulate economic growth in Greece.
Direct download: TJ97SolonStephanouGreece.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Wed, 24 June 2015
  Tyler Craig returns to the Trading Justice podcast this week to continue his discussion on teaching styles and the importance of molding the message to the student. Tim comes back armed with a variety of questions about trading and mindset for both Tyler AND Matt, and Matt gets into the hows and whys of companies performing stock splits.
Direct download: TJ96TylerCraigPt2.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Wed, 17 June 2015
  Tyler Craig's been trading for some time: since he was 18 when both he and his father attended a trading conference. Before that, Tyler helped his father in real estate by being inexpensive manual labor. Given the choice between swinging a hammer and making trades, Tyler jumped at the opportunity to trade. Tyler started by trading stocks (with Red Hat being one of his first), then eventually moved onto options and more for the added profitability and challenge in proper implementation. As he continued to learn different trading strategies, he also discovered he was an excellent instructor, and that folks learn differently. With refinement, Tyler has learned to adapt his style to meet the room.
Direct download: TJ95TylerCraigPt1.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 9 June 2015
  Mindset is important. Not just while trading, but while moving through life. Too often, people just go on autopilot; afraid to take a chance on something new. Breaking out of that rut can be scary. Newness is unfamiliar, and unfamiliar can hurt. True enough, but potential hurt lessens greatly if you're prepared beforehand, which for many things is as simple as taking the time to research the new thing, whether it be a new job or day trading. Large financial institutions are allowed to exist thanks to this autopilot mentality. People drop their money into hedge funds and so forth, expecting them to be actively traded over the long run. Thing is, that isn't the case. Many hedge funds are set on their own autopilot to almost always be in a bullish position and in aggressive sectors regardless of market conditions. The managers don't care; they get paid regardless of performance of the accounts. Why pay somebody else to do that? More often than not, such hedge funds do worse than market average for returns. If you want to be an inactive trader and not think about it too much, another option is the actual S&P 500, which you can get shares of. It's always made of the 500 largest companies in the US across all sectors, so it's more balanced than many hedge funds. Or, if you're willing to put forth just a bit more effort, you can actively trade yourself and, with practice, completely blow hedge fund performance away. It may be scary at first, but what new thing isn't?
Direct download: TJ94NoahDavidsonMindset.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:32pm PST
Wed, 27 May 2015
  For a 15 day free trial to Tackle Trading, enter the code justicepro when creating a new account at Offer valid until June 19. When Steve Huang set out to create his Theta Fade system, his proprietary end-of-week theta trading system, he didn’t just go out and start trading one day. He backtested, paper traded, and practiced over three years. He confirmed that it was profitable and performed consistently before putting it into action. All that testing paid off, too: it grosses 2–4% per week with manageable downside risk risk. He also started small; with smaller trades, you expose yourself to less risk as you properly fine-tune a system. Jumping in with both feet using your entire account on an untested system would just ask for trouble. However, over time, as a system is proven, you can increase your size. Steve has set aside $25K for an account that he only trades Theta Fade with. It’s now up 24%, or $6100, from the first day of trading in February. See the results in the Theta Fade page in the TackleTrading Trading Room. Should you wish to learn more about Theta Fade, head over to Tackle Trading and check it out every Friday afternoon.
Direct download: TJ93SteveHuangTradingSystems.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 9:01am PST
Tue, 26 May 2015
  For a free 30 day trial of Metastock, visit: Jeffrey Gibby started at Metastock 18 years ago, and it's been a fun journey. Not only has he helped develop the world's #1 rated stock scanning software, he's had the opportunity to journey around the world to help people make more informed trades and trade more efficiently. From assisting Sheikhs to training folks down under, Jeffrey's travels with Metastock have taken him all over. The software itself is worth the trip. Metastock, now in version 14 just released this year, has been around for over 30 years with experienced traders & programmers making each new version more robust than the last while still keeping the system intuitive to use. The latest feature to be introduced in version 14 is personal forecasting: you can make your own foward-looking models and Metastock will calculate the probabilities of such a model actually occurring on the trading floor. This is in addition to other features that have become standard by now: backtesting capability, over 250 built-in indicators, and standard forecasting.
Direct download: TJ92JeffreyGibby.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:58am PST
Fri, 22 May 2015
  China is working to position the RMB as a reserve currency, possibly to even out the USD as the world's oil reserve currency. One a currency that wasn't used outside of China, roughly 30% of all international business done with China is now in RMB. Through careful manipulation of the RMB's value, China now possesses the fifth largest reserve currency in the world. Quite an increase from 15th not 10 years ago. Accompanying this meteoric rise in the RMB are calls for the RMB to join the IMF's SDR as the fifth reserve currency (the four currently being the USD, GBP, JPY, and EUR). Should this happen, it may even allow SDRs to move to currency status itself due to the strength of the five currencies that would make up its value. One of the main proponents for the RMB joining the SDR is George Soros, who likely has an RMB position driving his recent extreme comments regarding the RMB, and he tends to act around events of great import.
Direct download: TJ91MikeKleinyChina.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:01pm PST
Thu, 14 May 2015
  With the impending interest rate hike later this year in either June or September, preparing for what will happen in the market will help your portfolio survive the initial rockiness of such an announcement. Such preparation can pay off particularly well if you're a cash flow trader: rising interest rates bring increased volatility to the market, and increased volatility drives options pricing higher. If you're selling options and placing covered calls, this is great news; it's just a matter of waiting for the Fed to actually act and initiate the interest rate increase.
Direct download: TJ90VolatilityAndCashFlowTrading.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 7:56pm PST
Wed, 13 May 2015
  Recession indicators can be difficult to read for the average consumer. Fed-speak can be difficult to decipher, and reading the market tends to be on a day delay at the minimum for a non-trader. There are four key statistics that people in the know tend to look to: industrial production numbers, real personal income, nonfarm employment, and real estate sales. The numbers for all four of these statistics are tepid with nonfarm employment and real estate sales being of particular note. On the face of the recent employment reports, the number of employed individuals is up. It tends not to take into account the age of said employees, though. Many generation Y and millenials are actually underemployed or unemployed due to older people re-entering the workforce and taking positions that are normally occupied by people new to the workforce. Further, real estate sales saw only roughly 25% of total home purchases from the previous year to be made by first-time purchasers while a healthy level for such buyers is about 40%. This means fewer people entering the supporting marketplaces, as well: fewer appliances purchased, less spent on general home improvement, and so forth. The key driver in this drop is suspected to be the sizable amounts of student debt preventing, once again, generation Y and millenials from getting a mortgage due to the payments still being made on student loans. Four of the 10 major economies are in recession, with the rest in stagnation and recession looming. The US can be argued to be in stagnation right now. Is recession around the corner?
Direct download: TJ89RecessionIndicators.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:51pm PST
Mon, 4 May 2015
  Mondays, historically, don't have crazy price action short of weekend news regarding a particular stock or sector. That said, there is action, and taking a look at the calendar of upcoming economic reports can help determine how much action there may be both and Monday and throughout the week. Some reports are more important than others in shaping the overall market. For traders, the reports to pay attention to are unemployment (with an eye to where the number may actually be higher or lower than reported), the PMI manufacturing report, the GDP reports, and the minutes of any FOMC meeting. These reports both drive the markets and give an idea to their general health. For example, both manufacturing and housing are showing low levels similar to just prior to the subprime crisis of 2008. Such knowledge is helpful in protecting your portfolio by both knowing when to further hedge and when to look out for the impending bearish market. --- Trading Justice on iTunes: Trading Justice on Stitcher: Trading Justice on tunein:
Direct download: TJ88EconomicCalendar.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:04pm PST
Tue, 21 April 2015
  Steven Huang started his career as a trial attorney, with the ultimate goal of being a corporate transactional attorney. Trading didn't hold much interest at all to start; he came across swing trading as a potential way to make some side income. Day trading was an option at the time, but Steve didn't want to be tied to the markets during the day. Starting with naked puts, trading went okay for Steve until the 2008 meltdown; which nuked his account. At about this time, Steve sought out Tim's help on general risk management while still primarily swing trader (he still didn't want to give up on being a lawyer quite yet), but another dip in the market caused his account to crater a second time. In talking to Tim after the second account flatline, Steve decided to actually get some serious fiscal education starting with Tigrent. He started performing better, and continued his education further with other services such as Rich Dad and general trading systems. Today, Steve only day trades, and has developed a few systems he personally follows when trading. He loves how fluid the market is, and how easy it is to fix errors as the trading day progresses. He's also very specific about the difference between trading strategies and trading systems. Trading strategies, Steve posits, are general best practices of trading such as technical & fundamental analysis to make standalone trades and generally assess particular securities. A system, however, is taking a particular portfolio as a whole and applying particular rules to entering & exiting trades, and knowing how & roughly when you'll take profit during the trade. A system also helps a trader maintain emotional distance, which is important when a particular trading day is extremely good or extremely bad. With a system, you just trade the rules you set in place and can minimize trading errors. Other places to find this podcast:
Direct download: TJ87SteveHuong.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 7:00pm PST
Wed, 15 April 2015
  Noah Davidson wasn't a conventional student in school. In classes up through college, listening to lectures and reading straight out of books only carried what he learned so far before he couldn't get a handle on it. Noah learned by doing; such as when he first started trading 15 years ago during the dot-com bubble. He had a vague idea of fundamental analysis, but traded more on stocks and brands he was familiar with exclusively. That went well enough until the start of the burst caught him by surprise: a $40 per share position became a $2 per almost overnight and nuked his account from low orbit. To be fair, though, technical analysis was only really possible at the time if you went and paid serious cash to brokerage firms to even provide you the data. After shaking the loss off and getting a job with the world's first technical analysis software maker, Noah gave it another shot with more caution and a shiny new program that would allow him to perform technical analysis. Noah slowly and surely started trading and building an account back up and realized he was pretty good at what he was doing and wanted to get better, and even sold his car to afford more trading classes. He enjoyed that well enough, but eventually Noah discovered the final piece that was missing for himself about the same time he started teaching his own classes: he wanted to be part of a community of traders that could talk shop and help each other out. From that concept emerged Tackle Trading, a financial education site and community where traders could learn and have a great time trading together. You can also find this podcast on:
Direct download: TJ86NoahDavidsonTackleTrading.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 6:09pm PST
Wed, 8 April 2015
  Join the Tackle Trading coaches as Tim, Gino, Noah, and Matt take a look at market for the week. This episode: - The worst unemployment report since the 2008 market and its effect on the market.
- The importance of the current 2040 support level.
- What an Elliot Wave pattern is using forex as an example.
- The ongoing battle over crude oil's price and its overall volatility.
...and more! You can also find this podcast on:
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode85.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:57pm PST
Sat, 4 April 2015
  In trading, fundamental analysis is one half of the winning formula to making great trades. If you're new to trading, you may be doing fundamental analysis without even realizing it. If you're assessing a particular security's profit and loss, trading volume, earnings reports, and other public information, you're performing fundamental analysis. It's a great place to start for placing trades, and can also give you a general feel for the health and size of the company (if it's a stock) or sector (if it's a commodity). Even better, if you step back and look at indices with fundamental analysis, you can get a read on how well a particular market segment is doing, or even the rough well being of the entire market. In this episode, Matt breaks down what drives the market with a focus on fundamental analysis. The general public moves more in the market based on price, p/e ratio, and other basics of securities. Understanding what drives the market will allow you to make smarter trades, and can even give you a better grasp of what's going on behind the curtain for a particular security when you perform technical analysis on its chart. You can also find this podcast on:
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode84.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 31 March 2015
  For this episode of Trading Justice, it's the replay for the March 31 Coaches Show. This week, Coaches Tim, Noah, and Gino: - Give a market review along with the concept of old resistance to new support,
- Go into earnings and how they affect volatility and options trading,
- Take a look at the volatility of the dollar and how it's affecting both the forex and stock market,
- Share tips on setting up your own trading charts,
and more!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode83.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 8:27pm PST
Mon, 30 March 2015
  In the latest episode of the Trading Justice podcast, Matt and Tim discuss monetary policy with talk of the RMB overtaking the USD as the world reserve currency starting publicly, the strength of the dollar and its effects on international trade, and the basics of covered call strategy.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode82.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:53pm PST
Fri, 27 March 2015
  In the second half of this two-part special about forex trading, Matt Justice covers the how of trading forex: the different pairs, news based trades, go to bed trades, and more!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode81_1.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:00am PST
Thu, 26 March 2015
  In episode 80 of Trading Justice, Matt goes over the basics of forex trading in detail, including: - what forex is,
- different terms used in forex trading,
- what is traded in forex,
- what kind of market forex is,
- how tradeable forex is,
...and more!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode80_1.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Wed, 25 March 2015
  In this episode of Trading Justice, it's the Tackle Trading March 24 Coaches Show. In this episode: - The coaches of Tackle Trading discuss volatility in the forex market,
- Google's contrarian behavior compared to other tech stocks,
- The current state of the world market,
- The importance of position sizing,
- A breakdown of the new Tackle 25,
and more!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode79.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Fri, 20 March 2015
This week the coaches went over the upcoming FOMC announcement later this week and how news-based trades in general ignore charting, the very specific usage of language by the Fed, the big picture history of the Dollar’s performance of late and how it’s making options traders a bit nervous, when to set aside the rules as taught Continue Reading »
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode78.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Thu, 19 March 2015
  In the latest Coaches Show Expiration Party, the Coaches (along with guest Assistant Coach Dean Beckette) cover: -Weekly options -The team's reaction (particularly Matt's) to the Fed -Building watchlists -Protecting trades for a turnaround -...and Matt's favorite color!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode77.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 7:25pm PST
Tue, 17 March 2015
  Coaches Tim and Matt are joined by Solon Stephanou to continue the discussion about Greece's current economic situation. Matt and Tim also talk about the market, the upcoming FOMC announcement, and more.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode76.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 10:36pm PST
Wed, 11 March 2015
  Join Coach Gino, Coach Tim, and Coach Noah as they deliver the March 10 Coaches Show for the latest episode of Trading Justice! During this episode, the coaches discuss: - The uncertain future of oil,
- Increasing volatility of the dollar as other currencies seek parity or even devalue,
- General coaching on taking action and practicing where you need to,
- Commentary on massive IPOs,
- Coach Noah's Black/Blue dress stock call,
...and more!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode75.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:00am PST
Tue, 3 March 2015
  Not a Pro member of Tackle Trading? You can still catch the audio of the Coaches Show right here! Coaches Matt, Gino, Noah, and Tim cover the latest market movements, the Scouting Report, spread trades, and specific stocks and indices as requested by Pro members of Tackle Trading watching the show. Get in the game!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode74.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:00pm PST
Mon, 2 March 2015
  Coach Tim is joined by Daniel Yin to discuss the how and why Daniel got into trading, and also go over Daniel's trading strategy of Theta Fade. Coaches Matt and Tim discuss the upcoming wave of economic reports in the forex market later this week.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode73.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:00pm PST
Fri, 27 February 2015
  Coaches Matt and Tim are joined by Solon Stephanou to discuss mindset and life outlook on taking control of your own future. Also, Solon shares Greece's history, shedding light on how the current economic climate of the country was shaped. You can follow Solon on Twitter here: @solonstephanou
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode72.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:00am PST
Thu, 26 February 2015

Matt and Tim bring on "SPECIAL" guest Victor Albert to discuss his journey as a trader. They also discuss the differences between the rich and poor regarding mindset. Matt and Tim open the podcast analyzing the dream Matt had while napping, including what actor plays the role in the new movie Matt was dreaming about called "THE FED".
Direct download: Trading_Justice_71.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 5:01pm PST
Wed, 25 February 2015
  Not a Pro member of Tackle Trading? You can still catch the audio of the Coaches Show right here! Coaches Matt, Gino, Noah, and Tim cover the latest market movements, the Scouting Report, spread trades, and specific stocks and indices as requested by Pro members of Tackle Trading watching the show. Get in the game!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode70.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:29pm PST
Fri, 20 February 2015
  Not a Rookie or Pro member? You can still catch the audio of the Coaches Show Expiration Party right here! Coaches Matt, Gino, Noah, and Tim cover the latest market movements, the Scouting Report, spread trades, and specific stocks and indices as requested by Pro members of Tackle Trading watching the show. Get in the game!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode69.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:54pm PST
Wed, 18 February 2015
  Not a Pro member? You can still catch the audio of the Coaches Show right here! Coaches Matt, Gino, Noah, and Tim cover the latest market movements, the Scouting Report, spread trades, and specific stocks and indices as requested by Pro members of Tackle Trading watching the show. Get in the game!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode68.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 2:55pm PST
Tue, 17 February 2015
  Coach Tim is joined by George Antone, author of The Banker's Code to talk trading, business mindset, and how he himself got into trading.
Direct download: TradingJusticeGeorgeAntone.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:26pm PST
Fri, 13 February 2015
  Coach Matt and Coach Tim are joined by longtime friend and trading ally Mike Curtis to discuss learning how to trade (along with there being more than one way to trade) and the implosion of a $65 million big-name trading portfolio.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode66.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 12:07pm PST
Wed, 11 February 2015
  Your Tackle Trading Coaches come together once again to go over the latest industry news, the Forex Report, the Options Report, and rapid fire stock info requests.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode65.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:14pm PST
Tue, 10 February 2015
  Tax Specialist Clint Coons joins Coach Matt and Coach Tim to talk about general trader tax advice and focusing your time on your strengths.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode64.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:59am PST
Thu, 5 February 2015
  Not a Pro member? You can still catch the audio of the Coaches Show right here! Coaches Matt, Gino, Noah, and Tim cover the latest market movements, the Scouting Report, spread trades, and specific stocks and indices as requested by Pro members of Tackle Trading watching the show. Get in the game!
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode63.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:00am PST
Wed, 4 February 2015
  Coach Matt and Coach Tim talk about the state of financial education in the US and are joined by special guest Jeffrey Ludwig to discuss trading what you're most comfortable with.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode62.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:00am PST
Thu, 29 January 2015
  In this mid-week Trading Justice podcast, Matt and Tim discuss the US Fed's latest policy statement and why to trade the trend instead of by emotion. Producer Phil Kilcrease is also brought in on the second half of the show to discuss entrepreneurship and networking.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode61.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:31pm PST
Tue, 27 January 2015
  In episode #60 of the Trading Justice Podcast, RichDad alum Shelle Schaefer joins Tim to discuss her background in retail and how she overcame adversity while becoming a daytrader. Matt and Tim also discuss the latest Central Banking News.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode60.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:00am PST
Mon, 19 January 2015

In episode #59 of the Trading Justice Podcast Dave Kosourek and Andrew Cameron join the team to discuss High Frequency Trading, Forex, The SNB shocking decision to remove the EURO peg and what it takes for the average trader to be successful.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode59.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 3:21pm PST
Tue, 13 January 2015

Robert Shannon joins episode #58 of the Trading Justice Podcast to discuss economic design, morality in economics and modern American economic principles.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode58.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 8:29pm PST
Tue, 13 January 2015

In episode #57 of the Trading Justice Podcast Noah Davidson from Tackle Trading joins Matt and Tim for a discussion on understanding intraday movements and yet another segment of Rapid Fire.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode57.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 8:23pm PST
Tue, 13 January 2015

In episode #56 of the Trading Justice Podcast Tim discusses his journey and what it takes from a mindset to be successful.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode56.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 11:57am PST
Tue, 6 January 2015

In episode #55 of the Trading Justice Podcast the coaches from Tackle Trading conduct the weekly Coaches Show. They discuss the European situation, market sell off, Oil and the USD.
Direct download: TradingJusticeEpisode55.mp3
Category: Podcasts
-- posted at: 1:35pm PST