Tue, 28 May 2019
In this episode of the Trading Justice Podcast, Tim, Matt, and Mark discuss the upcoming S.T.E.P. System. The S.T.E.P. System webinar will be held on June 5th at 8:30 pm EST. S.T.E.P. is an acronym that stands for Stop Loss, Target, Entry and Position Size. You should have delta trading in your portfolio design, and this is a great way to learn how to do it properly. Also, Mark and Tim break down the recent action in the markets. After our feature, we talk about some of the most popular acronyms out there in honor of the S.T.E.P. system. Content
Direct download: Trading_Justice_323_STEP-The_Scouting_Reports_System.m4a
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:25am PST |
Tue, 21 May 2019
In this episode of the Trading Justice Podcast, we discuss the comedy from the 1980’s "Trading Places". Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy starred in this film about two people from different walks of life who find themselves taking the others place and point of view. It’s funny, it has a trading perspective and there are a lot of takeaways from the show. Listen in for the panel’s perspective on the iconic movie. Also, we break down the recent market action, we answer questions from the clubhouse, and wrap up the last episode of Game of Thrones. Contents
Direct download: TJ_Pod_Episode_322-Shooting_the_Bull-Trading_Places.m4a
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:51am PST |
Mon, 13 May 2019
In this episode of the Podcast, Coach Noah Davidson joins the team to discuss the recent volatility in the markets. Bearish trading is an important component of any trader’s playbook. Shorting stock, buying puts, shorting futures and other strategies are all available to a trained and educated trader. The boys discuss how to trade bearish, with some of their favorite strategies, products and tips for you to use. Before we get into the feature, we discuss the trade war, gold, oil and current market conditions during our Market Skyline. 2800 on the S&P 500 is a key level of support. Will it hold? Get our analysis and thoughts by tuning in. We answer questions from the mailbag about UBER’s IPO, how to select the delta on long put option trading, the best way to learn TOS and how dividends might affect a company’s price. Lastly, we give an update on our Game of Thrones prediction. The biggest TV show out there has our attention right along with many others. Spoiler alerts at the end, but if you’re a GoT fan, you’ll enjoy this last few minutes of the show. Noah Davidson joins the team to discuss the recent volatility in the markets. Bearish trading is an important component of any trader’s playbook. Shorting stock, buying puts, shorting futures and other strategies are all available to a trained and educated trader. The boys discuss how to trade bearish, with some of their favorite strategies, products and tips for you to use. Market skyline, coaches mailbag questions and an update on our Game of Thrones predictions as well. 1:23 Market Skyline 26:50 Feature w Noah Davidson 58:50 Coaches Mailbag 1:11:30 Game of Thrones Contest Update
Mon, 6 May 2019
In this episode of the podcast, Trader and Coach Gino Poore joins us for some fun and market insight. First, we analyze the markets in our Skyline segment. Stocks are showing impressive strength, even after more trade tensions between the US and China arose over the weekend. Listen in to hear the coach’s thoughts on the current market conditions, and our expectations moving forward. During our Feature Presentation, we all identify the most common mistakes that new traders make. From failure to trade planning, to a lack of journaling, we identify a bunch of these mistakes, that you can learn from. Matt, Tim, Mark and Gino have over 60 years of combined trading experience, and we’ve seen a lot of traders start this journey. This is a can’t miss segment. Next, we play a game of Rank Them, where Coach Mark has found some headlines from the news and asks Matt and Tim to rank the importance of the headline from 1 to 10. Lastly, Mark reads quotes from some of the past Federal Reserve chairs and asks Matt and Tim to identify who said the quote. This was a fun podcast from start to finish! 1:50 Market Skyline 51:10 Gino Poore Rookie Mistakes 1:29:00 Rank the Headlines 1:47:45 Name that Quote |