Trading Justice

Beth Salamanca, one of the latest Legacy Hall of Fame inductees, joins us this week for episode 294 of the Trading Justice podcast. Beth shares her formula for success in this very insightful podcast. Come see how this marine captain elevated herself up the ranks of a completely different field!
What makes successful trader? This question is highlighted in our Coaches Mailbag. See what your coaches have to say in episode 294 of the Trading Justice podcast.

Intro: Tim Justice

1:47: Feature Presentation

31:22: Coaches Mailbag

44:56 Analyze That

Direct download: 293.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:28pm PST

There are many pros and cons to trading with margin. Coach Gino Poore said it best: “Fire can burn your house down. It can also be used to cook your food.” Trading with margin is very similar. Today on episode 292 of the TJ podcast your hosts Matt and Tim Justice talk about managing margin and how to steer clear of the dreaded margin calls. All of this and much more on this week’s episode of the Trading Justice podcast.


Intro: Tim Justice

1:40: Feature Presentation

1:18:11: Coaches Mailbag

1:25:19 Hold My Beer

Direct download: 292.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:28pm PST

Today on episode 291 of the Trading Justice podcast, we have a meeting of the minds with Coach Noah Davidson. With market volatility on the rise, trader’s fear gauges have seen an uptick as well. Your host Matt Justice and Tim Justice talk about hedging with futures to protect yourself when the Bears come to town.
Also, in our coaches mailbag we see another incredible week of questions. From questions about indicators to questions about swim software, our coaches cover it all!
Enjoy this discussion about market volatility and hedging on episode 291 of the Trading Justice podcast.


Intro: Producer Cam

1:17: Feature Presentation 

53:25: Coaches Mailbag

1:16:53 Clown of the Week

Direct download: 291.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:28pm PST

Gold has been around longer than many currencies. In fact, currencies have used gold to back themselves. On episode 290 of the Trading Justice Podcast, Pete Thomas stops by from the come commodities trading floor to fill us in with the latest from the world of precious metals. No trading just this podcast is complete without some fun we in the show with the segment we call “Who Dat”. Another week and another week wiser, enjoy episode 290!

Intro Tim Justice

2:15: Featured Presentation

28:36: Coaches Mailbag

50:26: Locked In

Direct download: 290.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 4:16pm PST

Inflation and hyperinflation have happened many times in the world's history. The effects can be devastating. From living a comfortable life one week, to not being able to afford food for your family; inflation can have a dramatic and nearly instant impact to those relying on the currency. On episode 289 of the Trading Justice podcast, we invite coach Christian to talk about inflation. He shares some of his own life experiences about how inflation played a role in him moving from Brazil. All of this and much more on episode 289 of the TJ podcast. 

Intro Tim Justice

1:58: Featured Presentation

52:13: Coaches Mailbag

1:13:26: Locked In

Direct download: 289.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 4:02pm PST